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引用本文:蒲灵操,黄群,袁瑶,沈旭,唐谦为,陈功锡,麻成金. 响应面法优化超声波辅助提取瓜蒌籽蛋白工艺研究[J]. 粮食科技与经济, 2013, 0(5): 56-60
作者姓名:蒲灵操  黄群  袁瑶  沈旭  唐谦为  陈功锡  麻成金
作者单位:[1]吉首大学食品科学研究所,湖南吉首416000 [2]吉首大学植物资源保护与利用湖南省高校重点实验室,湖南吉首416000
摘    要:
以瓜蒌籽为原料,利用响应面法优化超声波辅助碱溶酸沉法提取瓜蒌籽蛋白工艺条件.在单因素实验基础上,设定超声工作/间歇时间为2s/1s、pH值为10,选取料液比、超声功率、超声时间、提取温度为影响因子,以瓜蒌籽蛋白提取率为响应值,应用Box-Behnken中心组合试验设计建立数学模型,进行响应面分析.得出提取工艺优化条件为:料液比1:32(g/mL)、超声波功率310W、超声时间39 min、提取温度48℃.在此条件下,瓜蒌籽蛋白提取率可达79.11%.

关 键 词:瓜蒌籽  蛋白提取  碱提酸沉  超声波  响应面法

Optimizing on Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Protein from Trichosanthes Kirilowii Seeds by Response Surface Methodology
Affiliation:Pu Lingcao, Huang Qun, Yuan Yao, Shen Xu, Tang Qianwei,Chen Gongxi, Ma Chengj in (1.Institute of Food Science,Jishou University,Jishou,Hunan 416000;2.Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Utilization (Jishou University ), College of Hunan Province, Jishou, Hunan 416000)
Using the Trichos anthes kirilowii seeds as raw material, the ultrasonic-assisted extraction processes of protein were optimized from Trichosanthes kirilowii seeds by response surface methodology.Based on single factor experiment,and setting the ultrasonic running and interim time 2 s/1 s and pH 10,chose the material-liquid ratio, ultrasonic power, ultrasonic time and the extraction temperature as impact factors, and the yield of protein as response value.Mathematical model was set up by Box- Behnken experimental design for response surface analysis.The optimal extracting conditions by the response surface analysis were showed as followed: that the optimum extraction conditions of ultrasonic aided extracting were as follows :material-liquid ratio 1:32 (g/mL), ultrasonic power 310 W, ultrasonic time 39 rain and extraction temperature 48 ℃.Under the conditions, the yield of protein from Trichosanthes kirilowii seeds could reach 79.11%.
Keywords:Trichosanthes kirilowii seeds   protein extraction   alkaline extraction and acid precipitation   ultrasonic   response surface methodology
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