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The threshold effect in expected volatility: a model based on asymmetric information
Authors:Longin   FM
Affiliation:Department of Finance, ESSEC, Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commericales, Avenue Bernard Hirsch-B.P. 105-95021 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France
Abstract:This article develops theoretical insight into the thresholdeffect in expected volatility, which means that large shocksare less persistent in volatility than small shocks. The modeluses the Kyle-Admati-Pfleiderer setup with liquidity traders,informed traders, and a market maker. Information is modeledas a GARCH process. It is shown that the GARCH process for informationis transformed into a TARCH process (for 'threshold GARCH')for the market price changes. Working with information flowsallows one to derive implications for trading volume and marketliquidity which provide the basis for a more complete test ofthe model.
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