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引用本文:凌婕. 多重目标下的跨国银行FDI动机和区位选择——基于跨国银行面板数据变截距固定效应模型的检验[J]. 审计与经济研究, 2010, 25(2)
摘    要:
依据1986年-2008年期间以外国金融直接投资的形式在我国设立商业存在的跨国银行数据、运用Panel Data变截距固定效应模型GLS估算方法,检验了跨国银行进入我国的动机和区位选择的影响因素.结果发现,跨国银行进入我国"追求利润"的动机比"客户追随"的动机更加强烈;而制度质量上接近的程度则是跨国银行进行区位选择的决定性因素.

关 键 词:跨国银行  商业存在  对外金融直接投资  变截距固定效应模型  客户追随动机  追求利润动机  区位选择

FDI Motivation and Regional Choice of Multi-National Banks under the Multi-Targets:The Test Based on Panel Data Fixed Effect Variable Intercept Model
LING Jie. FDI Motivation and Regional Choice of Multi-National Banks under the Multi-Targets:The Test Based on Panel Data Fixed Effect Variable Intercept Model[J]. , 2010, 25(2)
Authors:LING Jie
Affiliation:LING Jie(School of Finance,Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade,Shanghai 201620,China)
By using the multi-national banks' data of foreign commercial banks during the period of from 1986 to 2008 in the form of foreign financial FDI and the method of GLS estimation concerning the fixed effect variable intercept model,the study examines such three variables as economic integration,banking features and banking institutional features on the effect of motivation and regional choice of multi-national banks entering into China.It turns out to be that the motivation of pursuing profits is much stronge...
Keywords:multinational banks  commercial existence  foreign financial direct investment  fixed effect variable intercept model  customer-seeking motivation  profits-seeking motivation  location selection  
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