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Connecting Distributions with Power Tails on the Real Line, the Half Line and the Interval
Authors:MC Jones
Institution:Department of Statistics, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK E-mail:
Abstract:Univariate continuous distributions have three possible types of support exemplified by: the whole real line , inline image, the semi‐finite interval inline image and the bounded interval (0,1). This paper is about connecting distributions on these supports via ‘natural’ simple transformations in such a way that tail properties are preserved. In particular, this work is focussed on the case where the tails (at ±∞) of densities are heavy, decreasing as a (negative) power of their argument; connections are then especially elegant. At boundaries (0 and 1), densities behave conformably with a directly related dependence on power of argument. The transformation from (0,1) to inline image is the standard odds transformation. The transformation from inline image to inline image is a novel identity‐minus‐reciprocal transformation. The main points of contact with existing distributions are with the transformations involved in the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution and, especially, the Johnson family of distributions. Relationships between various other existing and newly proposed distributions are explored.
Keywords:Birnbaum–Saunders distribution  Johnson distributions  power tails  transformation
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