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引用本文:任立业,李小芬. 天津港保税区高新技术企业创新效率及影响因素研究——基于数据包络分析方法和托宾模型[J]. 科技和产业, 2023, 23(18): 47-53
作者姓名:任立业  李小芬
作者单位:天津市科学技术发展战略研究院,天津 300170
摘    要:以天津港保税区2022年通过高新认定的226家高新技术企业为例,运用数据包络分析方法(DEA),从整体视角、级别视角、领域视角等多维度对企业创新效率进行评价,并采用托宾(Tobit)模型对创新效率的影响因素进行探究。结果表明,保税区高新技术企业中有15.49%达到最佳有效,73.01%的企业达到一般及以上能力水平,创新效率仍有提升空间;创新效率主要受纯技术效率限制;科技领军型高新技术企业创新效率最高、普通型次之、瞪羚型最低;不同技术领域高新技术企业创新效率差异明显;股权集中度、企业规模促进了创新效率提升,税收负担抑制创新效率。根据实证结果提出了天津港保税区提升高新技术企业创新效率的对策建议。

关 键 词:高新技术企业  创新效率  数据包络分析  托宾模型  天津港保税区

Research on Innovation Efficiency and Influencing Factors of High-tech Enterprises in Tianjin Port Bonded Area Based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Model
Abstract:Taking the 226 high-tech enterprises that passed the high-tech certification in Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone in 2022 as an example, data envelopment analysis (DEA) method was used to evaluate the innovation efficiency of enterprises from multiple perspectives such as overall perspective, level perspective, and field perspective, and Tobin model was used to explore the factors that affect the innovation of construction enterprises. The research has found that 15.49% of the high-tech enterprises in the bonded area have achieved the best efficiency, 73.01% of the enterprises have reached the level of general and above capabilities, and there is still room for improvement in innovation efficiency; innovation efficiency is mainly limited by pure technical efficiency; high-tech enterprises with leading technologies have the highest innovation efficiency, followed by ordinary high-tech enterprises, and gazelles are the lowest; significant differences in innovation efficiency of high-tech enterprises in different technical fields; equity concentration and enterprise scale promote innovation efficiency, while tax burden inhibits innovation efficiency. According to the empirical results, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for improving the innovation efficiency of high-tech enterprises in bonded areas.
Keywords:high-tech enterprises  innovation efficiency  data envelopment analysis  Tobit model   Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone
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