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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
The Economics of Development in Small Countries, With Special Reference to the Carribbean. By W illiam G. D emas .
Land and Caste in South India. By D harma K umar .
Human Capital in Southern Development, 1939–1963. By M arshall R. C olberg .
The 1961 Education Panel: Second Report — E ducation and the S outh A frican E conomy .
The Future of the World Bank. (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Pp.71.) E scott R eid .
Exploring 1970, some numerical results. No. 6 in A Programme for Growth. By the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge.
Economic Growth in the West: Comparative Experience in Europe and North America. By A ngus M addison .
The Accountability and Audit of Government. By E. L. N ormanton .
The United Nations at Work Developing Land, Forests, Oceans… and People. By J oseph M. J ones .
Industrialisation in Malaysia. By E. L. W heelwright .
Money in the International Order. Edited by J. C arter M urphy
Cowen on The Law of Negotiable Instruments in South Africa. (Fourth Edition) by D ennis C owen and L eonard G ering
Problems of Agricultural Development. By P. G. H. B arter .
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