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Instrumental variable estimation based on grouped data
Authors:Paul A. Bekker , Jan van der,Ploeg &dagger  
Affiliation:Department of Economics, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
Abstract:The paper considers the estimation of the coefficients of a single equation in the presence of dummy intruments. We derive pseudo ML and GMM estimators based on moment restrictions induced either by the structural form or by the reduced form of the model. The performance of the estimators is evaluated for the non-Gaussian case. We allow for heteroscedasticity. The asymptotic distributions are based on parameter sequences where the number of instruments increases at the same rate as the sample size. Relaxing the usual Gaussian assumption is shown to affect the normal asymptotic distributions. As a result also recently suggested new specification tests for the validity of instruments depend on Gaussianity. Monte Carlo simulations confirm the accuracy of the asymptotic approach.
Keywords:instrumental variable estimation    limited information maximum likelihood    generalized method of moments    linear functional relationship    group asymptotics    many-instruments asymptotics    natural experiments
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