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引用本文:黄桂琴,王盛云,闫学玲. 我国自然资源使用权物权属性研究[J]. 当代经济管理, 2007, 29(6): 61-65
作者姓名:黄桂琴  王盛云  闫学玲
摘    要:在我国自然资源所有权属于公有的情况下,对自然资源的开发、利用及自然资源要素市场的建立必须是以对自然资源的非所有使用为基础,因此,只有明确自然资源使用权的物权属性,才能保障自然资源使用权主体的权利,形成法律调控机制。自然资源使用权与传统民法物权相比较存在着不相适应性,理论上可定位于"准物权"。自然资源使用权是定限物权,是特殊的用益物权。自然资源使用权物权立法中存在着权利类型规定的欠缺、法律对自然资源使用权与相关权利的关系界定不清等问题;自然资源使用权物权制度在权利类型的设置上,应具备独立性、可流转性及有限性等基本特点,自然资源使用权物权制度创制应符合物权法上的他物权的设定行为。

关 键 词:自然资源  自然资源使用权  物权属性

The Attribution of Natural Resource Real Rights in China
Huang Guiqin,Wang Shengyun,Yan Xueling. The Attribution of Natural Resource Real Rights in China[J]. Contemporary Economic Management, 2007, 29(6): 61-65
Authors:Huang Guiqin  Wang Shengyun  Yan Xueling
Abstract:The development and the use of natural resources,and the establishment of the factor market of natural resources should be on the basis of non-private usage of resources under the conditions of the public ownership of natural resources in China.Therefore,in order to protect the rights of the natural resource usage and form the legal regulation mechanism,the attribution of natural resource usage rights(NRUR) must be clarified.The NRUR doesn't adapt to the real rights theory,which can theoretically be called quasi real rights.The NRUR is the restricted real rights and the special usufructuary rights.The legislation of the natural resource usage in our country is deficient on the rights types,and such rights haven't a clear line with the related rights.The NRUR types should be setup with the character of independence,liquidity and finiteness.Moreover,the constitution of the NRUR system should accord with the setup of other property in law.
Keywords:natural resources  natural resource real rights  attribution
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