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The management of professional employees: linking progressive HRM practices,cognitive orientations and organizational citizenship behavior
Authors:Patrick J. Valeau  Pascal Paillé
Affiliation:1. Department of Management, University of Reunion, Réunion, Francepvaleau@univ-reunion.fr;3. Department of Management, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada

The present research examines the relationships between progressive HRM practices and the organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) of professional employees. Drawing on recent HRM literature, our research model includes a perceived organizational support (POS)-commitment mediation hypothesis. Taking into account previous studies on professional employees, a job satisfaction-commitment pathway is also integrated. We tested both mediational pathways as part of a single structural equation model using a sample of 329 professional employees. Our results show that the relationship between recognition and OCB is mediated by the POS-commitment pathway, while the relationships between fairness of rewards, skills development and OCB are mediated by the job satisfaction-commitment pathway. The specificities of the HRM of professional employees related to their multiple cognitive orientations are discussed.
Keywords:Professional employees  progressive HRM practices  perceived organizational support  job satisfaction  organizational commitment  OCB
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