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引用本文:陈国平,王 丽. TRM-FMM室内无线定位技术[J]. 国际商务研究, 2014, 54(10)
作者姓名:陈国平  王 丽
作者单位:重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院 电工理论与新技术实验室,重庆 400065;重庆邮电大学 光电工程学院,重庆 400065;重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院 电工理论与新技术实验室,重庆 400065
摘    要:在室内多径环境下信号视距传播易受障碍物影响,导致现有的一些室内定位技术对室内环境分布的估计较为困难。时间反转镜(TRM)室内无线定位技术可以有效地减少室内多径效应对信号的影响以及复杂环境造成的延时。但是,若没有信号传输信道的信息,常规TRM技术的定位精度就会大打折扣。针对该问题,给出了一种基于快速行进算法(FMM)的TRM室内无线定位方法。该方法首先利用FMM和同时代数重建算法(SART)迭代更新计算室内环境分布,然后使用估计结果进行TRM定位。仿真结果显示,对于小型规模的目标物体定位误差约为1.84 cm,在未知室内信道信息的仿真环境下,该方法比常规TRM技术的定位精度提高约32.90倍。

关 键 词:室内无线定位;快速行进算法;时间反转镜  同时代数重建算法

TRM-FMM indoor wireless positioning technology
CHEN Guo-ping and WANG Li. TRM-FMM indoor wireless positioning technology[J]. International Business Research, 2014, 54(10)
Authors:CHEN Guo-ping and WANG Li
Abstract:Signal will be affected when it propagates in indoor multipath environment,which causes it is difficult for some existing indoor positioning technologies to estimate the indoor environment distribution. Time Reversal Mirror(TRM) indoor wireless localization technology can effectively reduce the indoor multipath effect and the signal delay caused by a complex environment. However,the positioning accuracy of the conventional TRM technology will greatly decrease without signal propagation channel information. To solve this problem,the TRM indoor wireless positioning method based on Fast Marching Method(FMM) is presented. This method firstly uses the FMM and Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique(SART) to update the indoor environment distribution repeatedly,and then locates the target by TRM based on estimated model. The simulation results show that the positioning error can reach 1.84 cm for small target. Positioning accuracy can improve 32.90 times compared with that of conventional TRM when the indoor environment information is unknown.
Keywords:indoor wireless positioning  fast marching method  time reversal mirror  simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique
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