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引用本文:李小平,朱钟棣. 国际贸易、R&D溢出和生产率增长[J]. 经济研究, 2006, 0(2)
作者姓名:李小平  朱钟棣
作者单位:南京大学国际经济研究所,上海财经大学国际工商管理学院 200433
摘    要:本文采用6种计算外国R&D资本的方法和国际R&D溢出回归方法,首次就国际R&D溢出对中国工业行业的技术进步增长、技术效率增长和全要素生产率增长的影响作了实证分析。我们从这6种方法的比较中发现:当采用有缺陷的两种方法时,得到国际R&D溢出系数显著为负或者溢出系数为正,但不显著的结论;而采用其他的四种方法,能得到国际R&D溢出系数显著为正的结论。因此,从计算方法本身及其结论的比较来看,通过国际贸易渠道的R&D溢出促进了中国工业行业的技术进步、技术效率及全要素生产率增长的结论更可靠。同时发现在大部分情况下国内本行业R&D与其他行业R&D对行业技术进步、技术效率和全要素生产率的增长起阻碍作用。因此,加强与R&D投入比重较高的发达国家的国际贸易以及提高国内自身的R&D效率显得很有必要。

关 键 词:国际贸易  R&D溢出  生产率

International Trade, R&D Spillover and Productivity Development:Based on the Analysis of Chinese Industry''''s Panel data
Li Xiaoping. International Trade, R&D Spillover and Productivity Development:Based on the Analysis of Chinese Industry''''s Panel data[J]. Economic Research Journal, 2006, 0(2)
Authors:Li Xiaoping
Affiliation:Li Xiaoping(Nanjing University) Zhu Zhongdi(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Abstract:Based on the decomposing industry's TFP into technology progress and technology efficiency and using six methods to account for foreign country's R&D, the paper analyses Chinese industry's international R&D spillover by adopting the method of international R&D spillover regressions. Although the six methods' results are not the same, comparing the result, we can find that foreign R&D has improved the industry's technology progress, technology efficiency and TFP development through international trade. And when technology knowledge is private goods to technology receiver, the international R&D spillover effect is the largest. At the same time, we find that home R&D blocks the industry's technology progress, technology efficiency and TFP development at the most time. So, it is necessary to pay more attention to trade with the countries owning the high proportion of R&D to GDP and improve home R&D's using efficiency.
Keywords:International Trade  R&D Spillover  Productivity
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