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A comparison of the estimated costs of erlotinib,docetaxel and pemetrexed for the second-line treatment of non-small cell lung cancer from the German healthcare perspective

The estimated costs of second-line therapy with erlotinib versus docetaxel or pemetrexed were analysed in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) assuming the survival benefits delivered by these three drugs are comparable. Direct total costs to the German statutory health insurance system per patient per quarter were compared, including the impact of grade 3/4 side effects. Resource utilisation data came from clinical studies and/or were supplemented on the basis of guidelines/prescribing information. Basic costs per patient per quarter were: erlotinib €8,172; docetaxel €8,055; and pemetrexed €15,870. Including the cost of managing side effects, the total cost per patient per quarter with erlotinib was €8,376 compared with €9,976 for docetaxel and €16,596 for pemetrexed. The main influence on the cost analysis was the management of haematological side effects associated with docetaxel and to a lesser extent pemetrexed. Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the results. Based on its favourable side-effect profile, erlotinib offers health economic advantages over docetaxel and pemetrexed in relapsed advanced NSCLC in Germany.
Keywords:cost comparison  erlotinib  docetaxel  pemetrexed  NSCLC
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