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Comparing Constraints to Cruising Between Cruisers and Non-Cruisers: A Test of the Constraint-Effects-Mitigation Model
Authors:Kam Hung  James F. Petrick
Affiliation:1. School of Hotel and Tourism Management , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University , Kowloon , Hong Kong SAR , China hmkam@polyu.edu.hk;3. Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences , Texas A&4. M University , College Station , TX , USA

This study empirically tested the constraint-effects-mitigation model (Hubbard &; Mannell, 2001 Hubbard, J. and Mannell, R. C. 2001. Testing competing models of the leisure constraint negotiation process in a corporate employee recreation setting. Leisure Sciences, 23: 145163. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) across cruiser and non-cruiser groups to understand constraints to cruising. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized to develop appropriate measurement scales and to test the constraint model. The model was found to have an acceptable fit to the data, which provided evidence for validating the constraint-effects-mitigation model. While the factor structure of the constraint-effects-mitigation model was found to be similar, the mean values of all measurement items and factors and some regression paths were found to be different across the two groups. More specifically, cruisers had fewer constraints to cruising, higher travel motivations and intention, and were more likely to negotiate their constraints to travel. Based on the study results, both theoretical and practical implications were recommended. It is suggested that further investigation is needed to validate the model in other study contexts.
Keywords:Constraints  constraint negotiation  cruising  motivations  travel intention
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