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Book reviewed in this article:
Games and Decisions, Introduction and Critical Survey, R. Duncan Luce and Howard Raif fa
Econometrische Studie van de Belgische varkensmarkt, G. R. Boddez.
Industrial Statistics, A. I. Ezhov
Probability and Scientific Inference, G. Spencer Brown
A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, M. G. Kendall and W. R. Buckland
Finite Queuing Tabels, L. G. Peck and R. N. Hazelwood
Economic Models; An Exposition, E. F. Beach
An introduction to probability-theory and its applications, W. Feller
Problèmes stochastiques, poses par le phénoméne de formation d'un queue d'attente à un guichet et par des phénomènes apparentàes, F. Pollaczek
Het elasticiteitsbegrip in de theoretische economie, A. Heertje
Proceedings of the third Berkeley Symposium on mathematical statistics and probability, edited by J. Neyman
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