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引用本文:王海峰. 论WTO的“硬法”约束与“软法”治理[J]. 世界贸易组织动态与研究, 2011, 18(6): 5-10
摘    要:在全球治理的理念指导下,晚近国际组织经常采取一种"软硬兼施"的立法模式或治理方式,WTO就是其中的一个典型代表。作为推动贸易自由化的国际组织,WTO更多地表现了它对GATT的发展和扬弃,体现了"硬法"约束的法律权威性。这主要表现"一揽子"协议的安排模式、对"祖父条款"的废除、较强的执行力。为了协调各成员方的利益,使WTO更具吸引力,同时也使WTO的判决更具时代性和先进性,WTO采用了"软法"治理的机制,这主要表现在:第一,"法庭之友"的介入,客观上实现了WTO机制对贸易与环境、贸易与人权等议题的采纳与接受;第二,国际标准被"柔性"地添加到WTO的规则之中;第三,宽泛、模糊的例外条款对过于"刚性"的义务起到了很好的"缓冲"作用;第四,模糊的优惠条款留给发达成员方权利与自由;第五,WTO对某些敏感问题的"软处理"态度,使得有关成员方有机会挑战WTO的制度约束。为了最大限度地保护本国外贸利益,中国应当学会利用WTO这种"软硬兼施"的治理模式:积极参加WTO各项议题的谈判,积极主导或参与国际标准的制定,大力发展本国非政府组织、积极参与非政府间国际组织的活动。

关 键 词:WTO  全球治理  硬法  软法  非政府组织

On the Restriction by Hard Law and the Governance of Soft Law in WTO
WANG Hai-feng. On the Restriction by Hard Law and the Governance of Soft Law in WTO[J]. World Trade Organization Focus, 2011, 18(6): 5-10
Authors:WANG Hai-feng
Affiliation:WANG Hai-feng (Law Institute,Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,Shanghai 200020,China)
Abstract:In the international society of global governance, more and more international organizations use both hard law and soft law in the governance and regulation, and the WTO is such a typical example. As an international organization to boost trade liberalization, the WTO use the hard law to restrict the obligations of the WTO members, and therefore it has a higher authority compared with the GATT. It includes three parts of the regulation of hard law in the WTO: the package agreements without reservation, the ...
Keywords:WTO  global governance  hard law  soft law  non-governmental organization  
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