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Change mechanisms in the diffusion of residential energy conservation practices: an empirical study
Authors:Marilyn A. Brown
Affiliation:Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA;Research Associate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Four types of variables that affect the diffusion of home energy conservation measures are assessed. These variables are the information possessed by households, household attitudes, the economic and demographic characteristics of households, and the attributes of conservation measures. A causal model of behavior change is presented based on Fishbein's theory of reasoned action. The model is tested using panel data on 225 homeowners from Decatur, Illinois and two conservation practices: employing winter night-time thermostat setbacks and adding attic insulation. The results illustrate the importance of all four change mechanisms. Many nonadopters have erroneous information about the financial and other benefits of the two practices. The elderly and the poor are particularly ill-informed. Negative attitudes are closely related to discomfort (for night-time setback) and expense (for attic insulation). As expected, barriers and incentives differ across population subgroups and innovations.
Keywords:Address reprint requests to Dr. Marilyn A. Brown   Department of Geography   University of Illinois   607 South Mathews St.   Urbana   Illinois 61801-3671   USA.
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