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引用本文:从荣刚,张燕琳,赵亚楠. 基于SVM模型的山东省电力需求预测[J]. 电力技术经济, 2011, 0(3): 40-45
作者姓名:从荣刚  张燕琳  赵亚楠
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(70871037); 北京市教委共建项目; 华北电力大学教改项目
摘    要:基于山东省1985--2008年的有关数据,分析了山东省电力消费的主要影响因素,然后运用最小一最大规范化方法对数据进行规范化处理,并利用相关系数法得到影响山东省电力需求的最优属性集,最后根据SVM原理,选取径向基核函数、线性核函数、多项式核函数3种核函数分别建立山东省电力需求预测模型,并利用平均绝对百分误差、希尔不等系数和均方根误差3种评价指标进行拟合度的检验。预测结果说明:与传统的时间序列拟合法相比,SVM模型在电力需求预测方面精度较高;在进行短期电力需求预测的时候,基于径向基核函数建立的SVM模型表现出很大的优势;而在进行长期电力需求预测的时候,基于多项式核函数建立的SVM模型更为合适。

关 键 词:管理科学  电力需求  支持向量机  核函数

Prediction of Shandong Power Demands Based on the SVM Model
CONG Ronggang,ZHANG Yanlin,ZHAO Yanan. Prediction of Shandong Power Demands Based on the SVM Model[J]. Electric Power Technologic Economics, 2011, 0(3): 40-45
Authors:CONG Ronggang  ZHANG Yanlin  ZHAO Yanan
Affiliation:CONG Ronggang1,2,ZHANG Yanlin3,ZHAO Yanan1(1.School of Economics and Management,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China,2.Institute of Policy and Management,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100055,3.Department of Sociology,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
Abstract:Based on the economic data of Shandong province from 1985 to 2008,this paper firstly analyzes the main factors influencing electricity consumption,and then uses the minimum-maximum standardized method to normalize the data,and obtains the optimal attribute set that affects the electric power consumption by using correlation coefficient method.In the end,three kinds of kernel functions(rbf,linear,poly) are used to establish the prediction model based on SVM theory,and the fitting degree is tested with three ...
Keywords:management science  power demand  SVM  kernel function  
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