Comptes rendus: The political economy of housing in Britain |
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Abstract: | Book reviewed in this article: Murie, A., Niner, P. and Watson, C. 1976: Housing policy and the housing system (HPHS). Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series , Volume I, No. I, Houses and people in the city (HPC), 1976. Antipode , Urban political economy issue (UPE) (ed M. Boody) Political Economy of Housing Workshop (PEHW) of the Conference of Socialist Economists 1975: Political economy and the housing question (PEHQ). Political Economy of the Housing Workshop of the Conference of Socialist Economists 1976: Housing and Class in Britain (HCB). National Community Development Project 1976: Whatever happened to council housing? (WHCH). National Community Development Project 1976: Profits against houses: an alternative guide to housing finance (PAH). Marx, K. edn. 1970: Capital, Volume 1. Nell, E. 1972: Economics: the revival of political economy. Broadbent, T. A. 1977: Planning and profit in the urban economy. Centro di Ricerche sui Modi di Produzione (a cura di Enzo Mingione) 1977: L'uso del territorio in Cina. Darke, R. and Walker, R. editors, 1977: Local government and the public. Sewell, W. and Coppock, J. , editors, 1977: Public participation in planning. Hart, D. A. 1976: Strategic planning in London: the rise and fall of the primary road network. Hayden, D. 1976: Seven American utopias: the architecture of communitarian socialism, 1790–1975. C. G. Pickvance , IJURR/RIRUR, Beverley Farm, University of Kent, Canterbury, England. |
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