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On the generic nonconvergence of Bayesian actions and beliefs
Authors:M. Feldman
Affiliation:(1) Department of Economics, University of Illinois, 61820 Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
Abstract:Summary SupposeYn is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables taking values in Y, a complete, separable, non-finite metric space. The probability law indexed bythetaepsiTHgr, is unknown to a Bayesian statistician with priormgr, observing this process. Generalizing Freedman [8], we show that ldquogenericallyrdquo (i.e., for a residual family of (theta,mgr) pairs) the posterior beliefs do not weakly converge to a point-mass at the ldquotruerdquotheta. Furthermore, for every open setG subTHgr, generically, the Bayesian will attach probability arbitrarily close to one toG infinitely often. The above result is applied to a two-armed bandit problem with geometric discounting where armk yields an outcome in a complete, separable metric spaceYk. If the infimum of the possible rewards from playing armk is less than the infimum from playing armk', then armk is (generically) chosen only finitely often. If the infimum of the rewards are equal, then both arms are played infinitely often.
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