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Keynes's theory of liquidity preference and his debt management and monetary policies
Authors:Tily   Geoff
Affiliation:* 12 Copthorne Ave., London SW12 OJZ
Abstract:This paper seeks to bolster the view that Keynes was a monetaryeconomist concerned primarily with monetary and not fiscal policy.His most fundamental policy conclusion for national economieswas that the authorities could control the long-term rate ofinterest and should do so to promote investment, growth andemployment. Keynes's theory of liquidity preference is presentedas a theory of money as a store of value that leads to thisfundamental policy conclusion. The theory is then applied toexplain the debt management, monetary and international financialpolicies that were adopted in World War II.
Keywords:Keynes    Keynesians    Liquidity preference    Long-term rate of interest    Debt management policy
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