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When the uncountable counts: An alternative to monitoring employee performance
Authors:K.W. Platts,M. Sobó  tka
Affiliation:a Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, 17 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge CB3 0FS, UK
b Pembroke College, Cambridge CB2 1RF, UK
Abstract:This article presents an alternative viewpoint to the accepted wisdom that detailed performance measurement of individual employees is necessary to achieve superior performance. As we reveal, managers of a market-leading German energy distribution company do not utilize performance measures to manage the performance of their employees; rather, operational excellence is achieved through mechanisms ultimately based on trust and responsibility. Building on observations at this firm, we put forward a set of proposed characteristics of companies that may not require formalised individual performance measurement systems in order to achieve high performance standards.
Keywords:Performance management   Balanced Scorecard   Gas and electricity distribution
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