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引用本文:高彩霞,刘家明,李凤娇,朱鹤,刘敏. 国家级旅游度假区的空间分异及影响因素[J]. 中国生态旅游, 2022, 12(3): 386-398. DOI: 10.12342/zgstly.20220021
作者姓名:高彩霞  刘家明  李凤娇  朱鹤  刘敏
作者单位:1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
2.中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049
3.国家地理空间信息中心,北京 100070
摘    要:旅游度假区是近年来旅游消费转型升级的建设热点,从全局视角认识国家级旅游度假区的空间分布特征和影响因素对于优化中国度假旅游产业布局、促进度假区高质量发展,以及建设世界级度假区具有重要意义。本文在回顾中国旅游度假区发展历程的基础上,以2015—2020年45家国家级旅游度假区为数据基础,对其空间分布特征和影响因素进行了初步分析。研究表明:(1)当前国家级旅游度假区尚处于起步发展阶段,整体上呈现出东多西少、南多北少的空间分异格局;(2)国家级旅游度假区初步形成了“大分散、小集中”的集聚形态,呈现出以浙江、江苏为核心的“单核主导型”空间格局;(3)国家级旅游度假区的空间分布受到诸多自然因素和人文因素的共同作用,其中,资源禀赋是度假区空间分异的制约性因素,国家政策引导是度假区空间分异的关键性因素,市场发育程度是度假区供需格局差异的内在动力,假日制度直接影响度假者出行距离和目的地选择进而影响度假区空间分布,大型赛事活动是度假区空间分异的助推因素。据此为国家级旅游度假区空间格局优化和高质量发展提出相关建议,最后对当前及今后一段时间内中国旅游度假区高质量发展研究的相关问题进行了展望。

关 键 词:国家级旅游度假区  世界级度假区  空间格局  影响因素  度假旅游  中国  

The spatial distribution of China’s national tourism resorts and itsinfluencing factors
Gao Caixia,Liu Jiaming,Li Fengjiao,Zhu He,Liu Min. The spatial distribution of China’s national tourism resorts and itsinfluencing factors[J]. , 2022, 12(3): 386-398. DOI: 10.12342/zgstly.20220021
Authors:Gao Caixia  Liu Jiaming  Li Fengjiao  Zhu He  Liu Min
Affiliation:1. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. National Geospatial Information Center, Beijing 100070, China
Abstract:In recent years, the construction of tourism resorts has been the key area for the transformation and upgrade of tourism consumption. It is of great significance to scientifically understand the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of national tourism resorts for optimizing the layout of China’s tourism industry, promoting the high-quality development of tourism resorts and building world-class resorts. Adopting the data of 45 national tourism resorts in China from 2015-2020, this paper analyzed the spatio-temporal distribution characteristics and influencing factors of national tourism resorts by ArcGIS. The research results show: (1) National tourism resorts are still in the developing stage, and display a spatial distribution pattern that more of them are located in the eastern and southern regions whilst less are in the western and northern regions of the country. (2) An agglomeration pattern of the national tourism resorts is emerging, which features as “dispersed generally and concentrated specifically”, showing a “single-core pattern” dominated by Zhejiang and Jiangsu. (3) The endowment of resources, government policy, market development, holiday system, and mega sport events are the main influencing factors of the spatial distribution of national tourism resorts. Accordingly, concrete measures are put forward in order to improve the spatial distribution and high-quality development of national tourism resorts. Finally, some future research areas related to the high-quality development of tourism resorts in China are proposed.
Keywords:national tourism resort  world-class resort  spatial distribution  influencing factor  vacation tourism  China  
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