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作者姓名:杜启洪  柳青
摘    要:养儿防老,这个在中国已沿袭了几千年的养老方式,正在新的家庭结构面前遭遇空前的危机。随着“421”家庭的普遍化,儿女们在精力、财力上已无力承担赡养好多位老人的责任。传统的养老该往何处去?每一个家庭都在寻求答案。艰难的养老早晨7点,随着沉重的一声门响,李宏生一家三口离开了家。他们要先送上初中的儿子到学校,然后夫妻俩再各自去上班。此时,家里只留下70多岁的老母亲,趴在窗台上目送儿孙们远去。从这时开始,老人将独自一人度过一天的寂寞时光。

关 键 词:独自一人  家庭结构  养老方式  养儿防老  家庭养老  往何处去  三口  一对夫妻  农村老人  社会养老

"421", A Big Trial for Home Care
Abstract:with the social and economic development, the aging population continues to increase. In particular the "421" family structure model in China shows a rising trend. The children become limited in their ability to solve the pension problem. On the one hand young people are busy with work and earning a living, onthe other hand they also take care of their parents and even grandparents, Changes in family patterns have led to this result. Average household population has declined as the trend towards smaller families continues, Our society is meeting the era of "421 families" -- a couple supporting their two sets of parents and one child.
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