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引用本文:王春霞. 关注“90后”大学生思想特点创新高校思想政治教育方法[J]. 湖南经济管理干部学院学报, 2010, 0(6): 155-157
摘    要:"90后"是当前大学生的主体,因成长环境的不同造成了其身上具有不同于70、80年代大学生的特性,这给高校思想政治教育带来了现实的挑战。思想政治教育者应根据"90后"的思想特点,创新思想政治教育方法,增强思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。

关 键 词:“90后”大学生  思想特点  思想政治教育方法  创新

Concerning the "90s" College Students' Ideological Characteristics and Innovating Ideological and Political Education Methods
WANG Chun-xia. Concerning the "90s" College Students' Ideological Characteristics and Innovating Ideological and Political Education Methods[J]. Journal of Hunan Economic Management College, 2010, 0(6): 155-157
Authors:WANG Chun-xia
Affiliation:WANG Chun-xia(Social Science Department,Chuxiong Normal University,Chuxiong 675000,Yunnan,China)
Abstract:The " 90s",the main body of current college students,have their own characteristics that are different from students of 1970s and 1980s because of the different growing environment,which brings challenges to ideological and political education.College ideological and political educators should innovate methods of ideological and political education,strengthen its effectiveness based on the "90s" students' ideological characteristics.
Keywords:" 90s" college students  ideological characteristics  methods of ideological and political education  innovation
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