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Communities of tomorrow
Authors:T Stevenson
Institution:World Futures Studies Federation, P.O. Box 188, Noosa Heads 4567, Australia
Abstract:The social spotlight seems to be refocusing to the scale of local community at a time when globalisation of the economy is threatening the authority of nation-states. Certain small communities are in peril of falling out of the global economy while losing local customs to a globalised culture. Globally beleaguered nation-states are being squeezed in a two-pronged grip: from the growing weight of global capital and from local communities rising to global pressures by demanding local solutions. National authority is also being bypassed as new global communities of interest form on the Internet, expanding the meaning of the term community. But, is community more than common interest—a celebration of difference, negotiating symbiosis among diversity of ethnicity, lifestyle and aspirations for the future? This paper explores five scenarios of tomorrow’s communities. One scenario is a nostalgic return to the romantic notion of the white-picket fence. Then there is the drop-out feral community. In another future the fence becomes a fortress wall, or a ring of barbed wire. Yet another is a virtual community beyond place, where people sharing a common interest live in cyber-reality. The viable community is one for the long haul. To be viable in a global world it must make local-global links to create synergies by sharing resources and inspirations throughout a diverse, planetary society. Viable, local-global network communities of tomorrow set a global example for creativity by honouring difference and open exchange. They take responsibility for their own futures.Two powerful images from recent events remain with me, in juxtaposition. After considering the American attacks on Afghanistan, a well-experienced teacher feels isolated at the periphery, and powerless. In addition, she watches, in “quiet despair”, one of her pupils “virtually going crazy” before her eyes. She shares these words with me:
“Neither he nor I, it seems, have anywhere to run except to the graciousness and the care of the other children, that as classroom leader I’m tying daily to coalesce, in order to put a cocoon of community around him. Bit like the planet!”
“We all work to keep our very bright and fairly disturbed ADHD-labelled1 learner connected to us in genuine relationship. That’s the foundation of authentic learning support. I’m not operating a medical model!”
Our leaders and the babbling mass media ignore this, the first image, and many similar to it.By contrast, the second image gets constant exposure. It gets instant recall from most TV viewers. It is the scramble of screen jockeys, on what is left of Wall Street, playing the casino economy, in a frenzy of greed. Curiously the main media focus emphasizes images that represent the world at the global scale. They largely ignore images of life at the scale of community.Why is this? Why does the second image of the so-called finance community, where the focus is the dollar, override the more basic image of a hometown community where the focus is human life-support? Are the media reflecting our true priorities, and have we got it wrong? Is money more important than community?
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