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Duelling Discourses at Work: Upsetting the Gender Order
Authors:Kelly Dye  Albert J. Mills
Abstract:Findings of an extensive archival study of Pan American Airways (PAA) strongly support Acker's (1990) notion of the presence and importance of a dominant discourse of organizing logic in structuring a gendered order. Findings also demonstrate that the presence of alternative, but not necessarily feminist, discourses can serve to upset the gender order of organizations. Thus, we conclude that changing the organization's gender substructure (Acker, 1992b) by changing the dominant discourse or introducing competing discourses may help to destabilize “truths” and interrupt the perpetuation and reification of policies, practices, and understandings that are often taken for granted despite their ability to silence voices and privilege some groups over others. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:gender  discourse  feminism  gender substructure  gendering processes  genre    minisme  sous‐structure du genre  processus de diffé  renciation sexuelle
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