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CEO Attributes,Board Composition,and Acquirer Value Creation: A Canadian Study
Authors:Walid Ben Amar  Ameur Boujenoui  Claude Francoeur
Abstract:We examined CEO attributes, board composition, and ownership structure for their relationship to the share performance of the acquiring company around the acquisition announcement. Based on 273 acquisitions by Canadian firms from 1998 through 2002, we have shown that the levels of CEO and director ownership as well as the level of board independence were positively associated with the short‐term financial performance of the acquirer. Board size was negatively related to value creation. Finally, cash‐based deals and cross‐border transactions were also positively related to increases in shareholder wealth for the acquirer. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:corporate governance  mergers and acquisitions  value creation  agency theory  gouvernance d'entreprise  fusions et acquisitions  cré  ation de la valeur  thé  orie de l'agence
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