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Environmental Abatement and Intergenerational Distribution
Authors:A. Lans Bovenberg  Ben J. Heijdra
Affiliation:(1) CentER, Tilburg University, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands;(2) Department of Economics, University of Groningen, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
Abstract:This paper employs an overlapping-generations model to explore the impactof public abatement on private investment and the intergenerationaldistribution of welfare. Whereas public abatement benefits the oldestgenerations in terms of non-environmental welfare, future generations gainmost in terms of environment welfare. The overall benefits tend to besmallest for generations born at the time of the unanticipated policy shock.Public debt policy, however, can be employed to ensure that welfare gainsare distributed more equally across the various generations. Such a policyimplies that natural capital crowds-out man-made capital.
Keywords:debt policy  intergenerational welfare effects  overlapping generations  public environmental abatement
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