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Redevelopment impact on small businesses: Studying it before it happens: (The Kakaako district in Honolulu)
Authors:Luciano Minerbi

Architecture Department, Urban/Regional Planning Program, Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A.

A study to anticipate the impact of inner city redevelopment on small businesses in Honolulu provides specific district-wide sample survey findings regardings perceived needs to remain and hardship of relocation for the majority of firms. A mitigating solution emerging from the analysis is the construction of vertical mixed use relocation prototypes ready to house businesses as they are being displaced by building demolitions.

A target area sample survey of firms corroborates this approach for small businesses to remain close to their original location. Innovative programs and policies are needed for this to take place. They depart from the currently proposed district rezoning.

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