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Book Review in This Article.
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Practical Performance Appraisal: Designing, Installing and Maintaining Performance Appraisal Systems . By V alerie S tewart and A ndrew S tewart
Appraising Performance . By D eirdre G ill
STRATEGY STUDIES Strategy and Structure = Performance: The Strategic Planning Imperative . Edited by H ans T horelli
Strategies in Business . By S hea S mith III and J ohn E. W alsh , J r .
TECHNOLOGY Umwelt, Technologie und Organisationsstruktur . By G eorg S chreyögg
Forecasting Technology for Planning Decisions . By H arry J ones and B rian T wiss
ORGANIZATION THEORY Organization Theory: a Macro-perspective for Management . By J ohn J ackson and C yril M organ
Designing Organizations for Satisfaction and Efficiency . Edited by K aren L egge and E nid M umford
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