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Comment on Richter''s political implications of Chinese tourism policy
Authors:Dexter J. L. Choy
Affiliation:School of Travel Industry Management University of Hawaii, USA
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to analyze the development of tourism in American Samoa. The government in American Samoa initiated efforts to develop tourism during the early 1960's. In spite of this, tourism in American Samoa is still in an early development stage. Internal factors which have constrained tourism growth have been the limited natural resources and underlying conflict between the traditional Samoan culture versus western ideas. External factors in the form of increased competition from nearby destinations and shifts in airline services also have limited the number of tourists to the area. The development of tourism in American Samoa is relevant to other less popular and newly developing destinations in the Pacific. Thus, it illustrates the risks and problems in developing tourism in similar Pacific destinations.
Keywords:tourism development   American Samoa   Samoan culture   Pacific destinationsAuthor Keywords:   veloppement du tourisme   les Samoa amé  ricaines   la culture des Samoa   destinations au Pacifique
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