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摘    要:站在上海第一高楼金茂大厦某间屋子的窗前,薄石(Dominique Boesch)欣赏着外面四处升腾的烟雨朦朦——他有点喜欢上了这种典型的中国江南味道。虽然晦暗的天色会让即将亮相的奥迪Q5 hybrid quattro的光效颇受影响,但是在过去的一年里,奥迪Q5战功卓著,选择在此时乘胜追击地发布混合动力版,这让做了多年销售的薄石觉得"很爽"。他的嘴角习惯性地泛起了微笑。两年前,薄石被总部从奥迪日本调到中国,出任一汽-大众奥迪销售事业部总经理。这2年间,外部环境的变化几乎让他应接不暇——奥迪在总销量上正式超越奔驰而跃居全球豪华车市场第二;中国正式取代德国本土而成为奥迪全球第一大市场;一连串的控制措施正式终结了中国车市的疯

关 键 词:奥迪  外部环境  混合动力  控制措施  大市场  金茂大厦  科技  习惯性  事业部  光效

Audi Bets on Technology
Abstract:The past two years was really a great time for the famous luxury automobile brand Audi: it outnumbered Mercedes to become the number two luxury automobile brand in global sales amount, and China replaced Germany for Audi’s number one market. Last year in China, while the overall domestic automobile market was mediocre, the Audi Q5 was out of stock all the time and Audi maintained a high growth speed and got closer to BMW. Rupert Stadler, CEO of Audi recently said in public that "Audi will surpass BMW to become the number one luxury car brand before 2020." He also revealed that the business data for the first half of this year would be "extremely excellent", but the way would become difficult in the next half year. The Chinese automobile market is absolutely around a turning point. Automobile marketing would no longer be easy soon, said Dominique Boesch, general manager of FAW-VW Audi Sales Division. For the three German luxury car brands, Audi seems to be the most Germany-style one. While BMW emphasizes the "joy" of driving and Mercedes values the assertive temperament of the car owner, Audi inherited the cultural gene of Volkswagen for being conservative, moderate and even a little old-style. However, it’s not known to all that Audi has always been seeking for innovation and plasticity under the given rules and dimensions. An experienced Audi dealer commented that "Audi has a wild heart of technology hidden under the conservative look."In the sophisticated market environment, Audi has given technology an unprecedented priority. In fact, technology is influencing every aspect of every Audi automobile, and it’s also extending the brand orientation, subject community and even the sale methods. Today, Audi is selling the technology.
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