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引用本文:岳玉山 曹学良 常俊合 郭俊梅. 石油勘探工程与人的可靠性分析[J]. 石油工业技术监督, 2005, 21(10): 47-49
作者姓名:岳玉山 曹学良 常俊合 郭俊梅
作者单位:中原油田分公司勘探开发科学研究院,濮阳 457001
摘    要:人的可靠性分析是可靠性工程学的重要内容之一,它适合于任何有人参与的生产活动中人的可靠性分析。石油勘探工程就是一个复杂的人-机-环境系统,生产过程中存在较多的不确定因素。通过对石油行业发生的重特大事故分析表明,由于人的失误导致的事故占60%~70%,可以看出,人的可靠性在石油勘探过程中是十分重要的。因此,研究人的失误,人为什么会产生失误,人的失误具有哪些特点,以及对人的可靠性因素的分析,是石油行业安全生产所关注的现实问题。

关 键 词:可靠性分析 石油勘探工程 石油行业 勘探工程 人-机-环境系统 事故分析

Petroleum Exploration Engineering and Human Reliability Analysis
Yue Yushan,Cao Xueliang,Chang Junhe,et al. Petroleum Exploration Engineering and Human Reliability Analysis[J]. Technology Supervision In Petroleum Industry, 2005, 21(10): 47-49
Authors:Yue Yushan  Cao Xueliang  Chang Junhe  et al
Abstract:Human reliability analysis(HRA)plays such an important part in reliability engineering that it can be applied to the HRA in any human activity. Petroleum exploration engineering is a complicated man-machine-environment system. During the procedure in its production, there are many undefined factors. According to the survey of fateful accidents, human error accidents account for about 60 or 70 percent of the total, which shows the significant role of human reliability in petroleum exploration. In brief, study on human errors, on the causes as well as common characteristics of such errors, and analysis of the factors of human reliability are all realistic problems that claim great attention in petroleum industry to ensure safety in production.
Keywords:human reliability analysis   man-machine-environment system   petroleum exploration engineering
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