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引用本文:谢新茂. 试论《沧浪之水》对中国传统“权力”文化的悲剧性揭示[J]. 职教与经济研究-娄底职业技术学院学报, 2006, 0(3)
作者单位:娄底职业技术学院 湖南娄底417000
摘    要:《沧浪之水》深刻揭示了中国传统"权力"文化对"人性"的扭曲与消解。池大为面对的,不仅仅是"权力拥有者"与"权力消费者"层面,更重要的是需要面对家庭、亲友及整个社会对权力的崇拜心态。当他身处的整个社会都以"权力"作为思维的出发点,来衡量池大为的所谓的健全人格和精神操守时,池大为所有操守的意义都被彻底化解,他与周围群体之间也完全失去了"精神对话"的可能。池大为要融进这个群体,惟有选择屈服。池大为不是屈服于权力,而是屈服于"权力"思维体系即"权力文化"。这是池大为的悲剧,但更是中国传统"权力"文化的悲剧。小说的深刻意义就在于揭示了这种文化悲剧。

关 键 词:权力文化  精神操守  屈服  悲剧  揭示

On the Tragic Exposure tp Chinese Traditional "Power Culture" in "Water of Turbulent Waves"
XIE Xin-mao. On the Tragic Exposure tp Chinese Traditional "Power Culture" in "Water of Turbulent Waves"[J]. Vocational Education and Economic Research, 2006, 0(3)
Authors:XIE Xin-mao
Abstract:"Water of Turbulent Waves" reveals profoundly how the Chinese traditional "Power Culture" distorts and neutralizes "human nature".What Chi Dawei has to face,is not only in the level of spirit of "Power Owner" and "Power Consumer",but also the mind-set of worship accompanying when the family,relatives,friends and the entire society face the power.When the entire society takes power as starting point of thinking to evaluate Chi Dawei's so-called adequate personality and personal integrity,the meaning of this integrity is melted greatly. Surely it is impossible for Chi to make "spiritual dialogue" with colonies around.Chi has to yield if he wants to be harmonious with this society. He yields not to power but to the thoughts of power,that is,power culture.It's chi's tragedy ,but it is also the tragedy of Chinese traditional "power culture",which is just the profound meaning of this novel.
Keywords:power culture  personal integrity  yield  tragedy  show.
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