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Crossing borders and boundaries: Translation ecosystems in international business
Affiliation:1. MIT Sloan School of Management, York University, Schulich School of Business, Organization Studies, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J1P3, Canada;2. Aalto University, School of Business, Department of Management Studies, P.O. Box 21210, 00076 AALTO, Finland;3. Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Finland;4. Sheffield Hallam University, Department of Management, College of Business, Technology and Engineering, UK
The field of International Business (IB) has traditionally focused on the crossing of national boundaries. In this Perspective, we argue that organizational, knowledge domain, and language boundaries are equally important for understanding translation activities in cross-border business. We integrate three kinds of translation (organizational translation and knowledge translation from Organization Studies and interlingual translation from Translation Studies) to deepen our understanding of core IB phenomena and pose new research questions. We introduce the framework of a translation ecosystem for integrating the micro perspective of translating agents, the meso perspective of organizational units, and the macro perspective of the larger social and linguistic contexts that influence translation. This framework allows IB scholars to identify important but invisible boundaries in cross-border business. The translation ecosystem requires the kind of multi-level research that has been recognized as crucial for taking the field forward and offers the potential for making contributions both to IB and to translation research beyond the disciplinary boundaries of IB.
Keywords:Cross-border business  Boundary spanning  Headquarters-subsidiary relationships  Organizational translation  Interlingual translation  Translation ecosystem
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