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摘    要:21世纪是海洋的世纪,地球表面71%的广袤海洋是维护全球的生态系统,也是实现可持续发展的重要支撑,更是人类拓展生存空间,获取发展资源的重要领域,是链接全球贸易和国际交往的交通要道,可以说,今天谁拥有了海洋谁就拥有了未来。而由海洋经济发展而来的蓝色经济给山东带来了机遇和挑战,在整个山东半岛掀起了一股势不可挡的蓝色浪潮。从日照至潍坊。从潍坊至滨州、东营,然后从烟台到威海,再从威海到青岛。所经之城。所跨之地广而大。然而一路走来,最直观的感受就是“大”——这个“大”就是蓝色经济所跨区域之大。

关 键 词:蓝色经济  山东半岛  海洋经济发展  风潮  可持续发展  机遇和挑战  21世纪  生态系统

The Blue Economy Is Rising in Shandong
Abstract:Nowadays, it can be asserted that those who hold the ocean will also hold the future. Accordingly the blue economy that originated from the ocean economy has brought about both opportunities and challenges for Shandong. The blue tides are nowsurging forward in the Shandong Peninsula. From Rizhao to Weifang, from Weifang to Binzhou and Dongying, then fromYantai to Weihai, and finally from Weihai to Qingdao, the blue economy is extending across the entire Shandong Peninsula. Since the blue economyoriginated from the blue ocean, the 3,000 kilometers of coastline of Shandong Province link the seven coastal cities of Shandong, which constitute the center of the blue economic center in the Shandong Peninsula.
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