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作者单位:首钢工学院 基础部,北京,100144
摘    要:通过对北京地区高职思政课教学状况的调查发现,思政课教学质量及教学效果与预期有一定差距。根据高职教育与普通本科教育在培养目标、学生基础等方面的差异性,编写高水平的高职思政教材,完整配备责任能力强和专业水平高的师资队伍,提高课堂教学水平,是改进高职思政课教学的有效策略。

关 键 词:高职院校  思政教学  教材编写  师资建设  教学方法

Current situation and improvement strategies for teaching ideological and political theory courses in vocational colleges
Abstract:Based on the investigation of ideological and political course teaching of vocational colleges in Beijing, we found that there are great differences between general undergraduate education and vocational undergraduate education. Correspondingly, we provide three effective strategies to improve the teaching quality of vocational colleges, which is, strengthening textbook editing, building first class teaching staff and adopting the most effective teaching methods.
Keywords:vocational colleges  ideological and political theory teaching  textbook editing  teaching staff construction  teaching methods
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