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摘    要:在经济全球化的背景下,世界各国的贸易关系越来越多,中国和美国作为世界上两个经济大国,两国之间的经济贸易关系非常引人注目。在中美贸易的产业转移中,出口加工贸易,转口贸易,跨国公司内部贸易等新型贸易方式逐渐的取代了传统的国际贸易方式。三种新型贸易方式的出现,改变了产品的价值增值链,并使得中美之间贸易利益分配格局被打破。本文就中美贸易方式的转变对贸易失衡的影响进行了全面分析,一个国家出口的商品有很大的可能性并不是本国的企业生产的,而是由外国或者进口国的跨国公司的子公司自己生产的,也就是这种国际贸易交换的不是单个国家自行生产的产品,而是多国生产的跨国产品。按照目前的情况,显然难以准确计量国与国之间的资源和商品的流动状况。证明转口贸易,加工贸易以及公司的内部贸易这三种贸易方式,扭曲了中美两国之间贸易的最真实的经济关系,掩盖了两国贸易利益分配的真实格局。

关 键 词:中美贸易失衡  贸易方式  影响分析

Influence of Trade Method Change on Sino-US Trade Imbalance
Abstract:In the background of economic globalization,the trade relationship among countries is closer.China and United States as the world's two economic powers,the trade relationship between them is important.In the transfer of industry of the Sino-US trade,the new type of trade,such as the export processing trade,entrepot trade,and internal trade of multi-national corporation,gradually replaced the traditional way of international trade.Three kinds of new trade mode changed the value added chain of product and broke the Sino-US trade interest distribution pattern.The paper analyzes the influence of the change of Sino-US trade on Sino-US trade imbalance.A country's export goods may not be produced in the country but by foreign or a subsidiary of the multi-national corporation,namely the kind of international trade goods is not produced by a single country,but by multi-nations.In the present case,it is obviously difficult to accurately measure flow condition of resources and commodities between countries.It is proved that entrepot trade,processing trade and internal trade obscure the economic relations of Sino-US trade,and distort the real interest distribution pattern.
Keywords:Sino-US trade imbalance  trade mode  effect analysis
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