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作者姓名:陈凌珊  陈平  李静
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 [71473278];广东省海洋经济创新发展区域示范专项项目 [GD2012-D02-003]
摘    要:近年海洋经济的高速发展及海洋资源的不合理开发利用,给广东省的海洋资源与环境带来了一系列问题,有必要对海洋环境污染损失的货币价值进行估算,以更好地进行环境的投入与产出比较,将环境保护纳入经济核算体系。通过比较并应用各种货币化计量方法,分别算出珠江入海口海域的海洋渔业价值、水质净化价值等,对珠江入海口海域的生态系统经济价值进行评估,在此基础上,结合计量模型对海洋环境污染损失进行货币化综合计量,得到海洋环境污染造成的经济损失量的保守估计范围为 87.4~106.9 亿元/年。最后,提出广东省应充分使用财政资金的金融手段,建立多渠道、多层次和全方位的海洋环境保护体系,最终达到保护海洋生态环境和资源的目的。

关 键 词:环境污染  经济价值评估  货币化计量

Monetary Value Estimation of the Loss of Marine EnvironmentalPollution:Taking the Pearl River Estuary for Example
Authors:CHEN Lingshan  CHEN Pinga and LI Jing
Abstract:In recent years, due to the rapid development of marine economy and irrational human exploitation of marine resources, marine resources and environment in Guangdong Province has been faced with a number of issues. So it is necessary to estimate the monetary value of the marine environment pollution damage in order to better carry out environmental input -output comparison. At the same time, the monetization of environmental damage will guide the government to make good decisions and policies related to the economic development of Guangdong Province. This article compared and applied a variety of different measurement methods for monetization of the Pearl River estuary waters to assess the economic value of ecosystem, and also combine the "loss -concentration" model to make comprehensive measurement of monetization. It has reached the conclusion that due to marine environmental pollution, the amount of economic loss in the Pearl River estuary waters is 8.74~10.69 billion/year. Finally, the article pointed out that we should make full use of financial instruments in order to establish a multi -channel, multi-level and comprehensive marine environmental protection system.
Keywords:Environmental pollution  Economic value assessment  Monetization measurement  Financialmeasures
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