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作者姓名:杨慧琴  孙磊  赵西超
作者单位:1.北京大学 光华管理学院;2.北京大学 流通经济与管理研究中心,北京 100871
摘    要:在传统供应链信息系统中信息孤岛现象普遍存在,导致信息交互的及时性及真实性难以保障。区块链技术是一种去中心化的高信任度分布式数据库账本技术,具有可溯源、信息无法篡改等特点,能够有效化解供应链信息系统难题。建立以区块链技术为核心的供应链信息平台,能够有效连接供应链联盟、金融机构及政府监管部门,促使供应链中商流、物流、资金流、信息流四流合一,从而构建互信共赢的供应链生态体系。探讨了区块链智能合约在供应链上的应用,提出了适用于供应链联盟的随机动态股权证明(SDPoS)共识机制,并以汽车供应链为应用场景,分析了区块链技术在供应链信息系统中的适用性及优越性,为区块链技术在供应链及其它领域的应用提供了新思路。

关 键 词:供应链信息平台  区块链技术  信任生态  

Build Mutual Trust Supply Chain Information System based on Blockchain
Abstract:In the traditional supply chain information system, the information silos phenomenon is common and the authenticity of information is difficult to be guaranteed. The blockchain technology is decentralized, traceable and the information can hardly be tampered with which can effectively solve the above problems. This paper proposes an equal and trustworthy supply chain information platform based on the blockchain technology. The cooperation platform efficiently connects the supply chain alliance, financial institutions and government supervision departments that integrates goods flow, logistics, capital flow and information flow in the supply chain to build a mutual trust and win-win supply chain ecosystem. Furthermore, this paper discusses the application of the blockchain intelligent contract in the supply chain and designs a new consensus mechanism named Stochastic Delegate Proof of Stake (SDPoS) for the supply chain alliance. This paper analyzes the practicality and superiority of the information platform applied in the automobile supply chain which provides new ideas for the application of blockchain technology in supply chain management and other fields.
Keywords:Supply Chain Information System  Blockchain  Trust Ecosystem  
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