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作者姓名:肖德云  田雨
作者单位:武汉理工大学 经济学院,湖北 武汉 430070
摘    要:基于组织资源基础理论,探索性提出以组织整合为中介,以创业导向和组织情景为阶段性调节变量的间断平衡向情景双元平衡收敛的动态过程模型。通过对高科技企业210名员工的调查统计分析,结果发现:①组织间断平衡正向影响情景双元;②组织整合在间断平衡对情景双元的影响中起中介作用;③创业导向在中介的前后两个阶段均起调节作用;④组织情景仅在中介的后一阶段起调节作用。该研究从静态平衡拓展到情景双元平衡形成的动态收敛过程,揭示了情景双元形成的内在作用机理,对企业有效实现双元平衡具有重要实践意义。

关 键 词:情景双元  间断平衡  组织整合  组织情景  创业导向  

The Research of Contextual Ambidexterity Dynamic Convergence Process Based on Organizational Integration
Abstract:Based on the resource-based theory, this paper put forward a dynamic mechanism of convergence of punctuated equilibrium influence of contextual ambidexterity model, use organizational integration as mediated variables, entrepreneurial orientation and organizational context as segmented moderated variables. Based on the survey data of high-tech enterprises 210employees,we find:①punctuate equilibrium is positively related to a contextual ambidexterity;②organizational integration mediates the relationship between punctuate equilibrium and contextual ambidexterity;③entrepreneurial orientation segmented moderates the relationship between punctuate equilibrium and organizational integration and the relationship between organizational integration and contextual ambidexterity;④organizational context segmented moderates the relationship between organizational integration and contextual ambidexterity. Study on the dynamic process model from the static equilibrium to contextual ambidexterity formation, revealed the formation mechanism of contextual ambidexterity, has important practical significance for firms to achieve ambidexterity equilibrium.
Keywords:Contextual Ambidexterity  Punctuated Equilibrium  Organizational Integration  Organizational Context  Entrepreneurial Orientation  
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