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Valuing Varieties with Imperfect Output Quality Measurement
Authors:David K  Lambert and William W  Wilson
Institution:David Lambert is professor and chair and William Wilson is professor, both in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics at North Dakota State University.
Abstract:Markets for agricultural products may be inefficient when signals do not adequately reflect product characteristics important to market participants. Preferences can be explicitly reflected in price premiums for measurable characteristics using hedonic methods. However, when product quality information is costly to obtain, the problem is compounded. Bundling of quality traits by variety can serve to signal product quality. A procedure is developed to derive the value of different varieties in meeting buyer demands. An application to the hard red spring market wheat illustrates the use of a procedure to distinguish among varieties and provides empirical support for the existence of Akerlof's lemon market in the release of wheat varieties.
Keywords:agricultural markets  product quality  distance functions  wheat
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