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作者姓名:韩志远  谢彦来
摘    要:2015年5月1日《存款保险条例》的出台,标志着我国利率市场化工作已基本完成。但在这样的大背景下,松原市农村信用社贷款利率仍然执行“一刀切”的利率政策。这在一定程度上制约了农村信用社的发展。农村信用社贷款利率定价机制缺失,定价不合理的问题突显。对于以农业经济发展为主的松原市来说,做为支农主力军的农村信用社,面对这种多元化矛盾的金融市场,如何努力提高款定价技术水平,科学合理地调整贷款定价方式,把信贷支农和贷款定价机制有效整合,对增加金融支农力度,实现金融信贷支农的“双赢”有着非常重要的意义。

关 键 词:利率市场化  农村信用社  利率定价  问题及建议

After Interest Rate Marketization Songyuan Rural Credit Cooperatives Loan Interest Rate Pricing Mechanism Problems and Countermeasures
Abstract:On May 1, 2015, the deposit insurance regulations, marks the marketization of interest rate in our country work has been basically completed. But in such a context, songyuan rural credit cooperatives loan interest rates are still the implementation of "one size ifts all" interest rate policy. This to a certain extent, restrict the development of rural credit cooperatives. Lack of rural credit cooperatives loan interest rate pricing mechanism, the problem of the unreasonable pricing. For songyuan predominantly agricultural economic development, as the main force of rural credit cooperatives for supporting agriculture, in the face of such diverse contradictions of ifnancial market, how to improve pricing and technical level, scientiifc and reasonable way to adjust the loan pricing, credit to support agriculture and loan pricing mechanism effectively integrate, efforts to increase ifnancial support agriculture, realize "win-win" of ifnancial credit to support agriculture has very important signiifcance.
Keywords:Inetrest Rate Marketization  Rural Credit Cooperatives  The Interest Rate Pricing  Problems and Suggestions
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