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摘    要:本文旨在分析我国政府在中小银行发展中的作用定位问题。首先 ,在现代市场经济条件下 ,中小银行要想获得长足发展 ,必须在充分发挥市场机制基础性资源配置作用的前提下 ,有效发挥政府对市场机制的“拾遗补缺”作用 ,矫正“市场失灵” ;其次 ,我国正处于经济起飞阶段 ,要在短时间内实现经济的跨越式发展 ,就必须借助于政府的力量 ,作为市场竞争弱势群体的中小银行的发展迫切需要政府予以适当的扶持 ;第三 ,在由传统计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的过程中 ,中小银行在产权、管理等制度安排上处于不断深化的过程中 ,需要政府提供适宜的制度环境。

关 键 词:中小银行  “市场失灵”  政府扶持  制度环境

The Roles of Government in the Growth of Medium and Small- sized banks
Abstract:This paper aims to analyze the roles of Chinese’s government in the development of medium and small-sized banks.Firstly,it states that,under the premise that market mechanism plays the fundamental role in resource allocation,government’intervention to remedy problems of“market failure”is indispensable for medium and small-sized banks to grow more quickly and healthy.Secondly,as our national economy is still in the flying-off stage,government’s support is beneficial for medium and small-sized banks to fulfill the“leap-forward”strategy.Thirdly,during the process of transition from traditional plan economy system to market economy system,it is also required that government should provide fitting institutional environment.
Keywords:medium and small-sized banks  “market failure”  government support  institutional environment
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