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作者姓名:王丽萍  郭岚  张勇
基金项目:四川省教育厅资助项目 , 绵阳市科技局应用技术研究与开发资金项目
摘    要:文章提出了一种基于因子分析和DEA组合的高校新绩效预算管理方法。文章首先介绍了基于因子分析的DEA组合评价方法的基本原理;其次,文章以我国西部某高校为例分析了该校的投入产出效率,并运用MDEA模型分析结果对该校的12个学院进行了排序。最后,利用文章的实证结果说明这种组合评价方法的科学性和可行性。

关 键 词:高等学校  新绩效预算管理  数据包络分析  因子分析

A Method Research of The New Performance Budgeting Management of The University
Abstract:The article proposed a new method called D E A based Data Reduction Factor,and consider it as a method of the new performance budgeting management of the university.The article first introduced the principle of D E A based Data Reduction Factor;Second,the article take a university in west as the example to analyze the money efficiency,and have the orders of the 12 institutes in this university by using the MDEA model result.Finally,the result explained the science,feasible of this method.
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