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企业专利管理与技术创新风险规避   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
技术创新作为一种技术与经济相统一的过程,风险性是其重要特征之一,其内生于技术创新过程的各个阶段。企业技术创新风险包括技术风险与市场风险两个方面。专利制度的功能不仅仅在于保护技术前创者的利益,专利制度的运行规则使得企业通过专利管理以规避技术创新风险成为可能。企业专利管理促进技术创新风险规避的着力点主要是进行专利文献调查,借鉴已有专利技术的思想、经验和教训,进行相关领域技术和市场预测,并通过灵活的专利申请策略以巩固市场地位等。  相似文献   

技术创新作为一种技术与经济相统一的过程,风险性是其重要特征之一,其内生于技术创新过程的各个阶段.企业技术创新风险主要包括技术风险与市场风险两个方面.专利制度的功能不仅仅在于保护技术首创者的利益,专利制度的运行规则使得企业通过专利管理以规避技术创新风险成为可能.企业专利管理促进技术创新风险规避的着力点主要是进行专利文献调查,借鉴已有专利技术的思想、经验和教训,进行相关领域技术和市场预测,并通过灵活的专利申请策略以巩固市场地位等.  相似文献   

乡镇企业在经营活动中极易受到市场风险的威胁,国内市场风险主要是购买风险和营销风险,任何一种风险的发生都将企业受到损失,因此,认识和防范市场风险对乡镇企业经营者来讲尤为重要。  相似文献   

产品生命周期理论侧重于从技术进步、技术创新和技术传播的角度分析国际贸易、国际分工的基础。从国际投资者的角度考察产品生命周期,笔者认为我国跨国企业应在产品的第一阶段就走出去,利用发达国家劳动力质量优势,参与新产品的研发与市场开拓,加大我国企业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

技术创新风险产生于开发产品的技术风险、生产风险、市场风险、资金风险以及管理风险;对技术创新风险管理可大大降低技术创新中的风险,减少经济损失,管理方法主要有分散风险策略,合作研究策略,技术再创新策略。  相似文献   

产品生命周期理论侧重于从技术进步、技术创新和技术传播的角度分析国际贸易、国际分工的基础。从国际投资者的角度考察产品生命周期,笔者认为我国跨国企业应在产品的第一阶段就走出去,利用发达国家劳动力质量优势,参与新产品的研发与市场开拓,加大我国企业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

技术创新是金融企业长期稳定发展的基础和保证.但在金融企业技术创新过程中存在较多不确定因素,使金融企业技术创新面临较高风险.运用模糊综合评价方法对我国金融企业技术创新风险程度进行度量,获得我国金融企业技术创新风险的风险权重,并进行实证分析,在此基础上,提出我国金融企业技术创新风险管理策略.  相似文献   

在我国新的教育政策指导下,民办教育方兴未艾,为充分发挥民办教育对公办教育的补充作用,各民办教育创办主体正在积极开发教育市场,寻找各种可行机会.为减少投资风险,提高开发成功率,各投资主体,特别是已创办运作的企业,在寻求新的开发机会时,就应该做出科学决策.在管理科学中,新产品开发理论相对比较成熟,其对新产品的概念界定、开发战略的选择、开发过程的管理都有助于提高企业产品开发的成功率,减少投资风险.  相似文献   

我国企业年金的风险主要来自于企业年金投资过程中各参与主体分别形成的委托代理风险.本文对企业年金的委托代理风险进行了事实和理论的分析,并根据委托代理理论对企业年金的风险管理进行了研究,提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

<正> 企业将新产品投入到市场总是希望它能不断成长,保持较长时间的繁荣。但任何新产品成功地投入到市场后都会经历一个由盛到衰的发展过程,此为产品的市场寿命周期规律。它一般包括连续的四个阶段,即引入期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。认识这一规律,有利于制定各阶段的市场营销策略,把握好经营主动权。本文就成熟期在整个寿命周期中的重要性探讨企业在此期的营销策略问题。  相似文献   

在中国证券市场国际化、全流通、多层次的背景下,上市公司面临着更加特殊、复杂、多样的公司治理风险。尤其中小板和创业板"大跃进"式发展使其隐藏着比主板市场更大的公司治理风险。目前是公司治理风险集中凸显的时期,治理问题复杂化、潜在风险显性化,对证券市场的安全构成了很大威胁和挑战。公司治理风险是法律体系不健全、投资者保护弱、监管薄弱、公司与市场缺陷的集中体现。公司治理改革是一项系统工程,治标不治本的做法不能从根本上解决公司治理风险。  相似文献   

中欧贸易与欧盟技术性贸易壁垒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)已成为发达国家实施贸易保护主义更为隐蔽、更为有效的手段.作为中国第三大贸易伙伴的欧盟,其实施的各种TBT措施对中国的出口产品产生了严重的影响.因此,必须建立欧盟技术性贸易壁垒预警机制,时时监控其新动向;坚持"以质取胜"的原则,大搞技术创新和产品创新,以更高的产品质量标准和专利注册超越其贸易壁垒.  相似文献   

我国农产品的营销渠道创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农产品的营销渠道问题已经成为阻碍农产品市场繁荣与健康发展的主要因素,本文首先分析了我国农产品营销渠道的现状,然后提出了农产品渠道创新的原则,最后得出了农产品渠道创新的主要措施,希望对我国的农产品市场发展奄坼碴鉴,  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that business models can serve as important strategic tools in innovation and market formation processes. Consequently, business models should have a prominent position in the marketing literature. However, marketing scholars have, so far, paid little attention to the business model concept, perhaps because it lacks an established definition and clear theoretical foundation. This article offers a definition for the business model concept that, using a fractal approach, connects business models to technological and market innovation. Furthermore, the article questions several cornerstone strategic concepts by reconceptualizing business model development from a firm-centric activity that promotes owning key resources and altering sets of decision variables to one that highlights the facilitation of broad institutional change processes. As such, it takes the potentially controversial position of advocating a service-strategy-based understanding of business models for all of marketing strategy.  相似文献   

技术创新应以市场营销为目标,应体现市场导向。只有以市场为导向进行技术创新,才能给企业带来新的活力,增强企业的竞争实力,并给企业带来丰厚的利润回报。  相似文献   

本文通过采用SWOT方法和AHP方法对陕北农村合作金融机构的竞争地位进行了分析,结果表明:陕北农村合作金融机构自身劣势是制约其发展的最重要因素,发展面临的最大机会是国家政策扶持,最大威胁则来自于当地经济结构失衡,现有的客户、网点以及员工优势在发展战略决策中的作用不明显。目前适宜采用W-O战略来促进发展,即抓住机构改革机遇,优化产权治理结构;提升管理水平,增强风险控制能力;发掘新型信贷产品,开拓新的业务增长点。  相似文献   

Literature reflects that a product/technological innovation introduced later in a country results in faster diffusion as the consumers in the lag market have an opportunity to learn about the new product from the consumers in the lead market. A systematic understanding of the learning that takes place between consumers in two countries—a pair of lead and lag countries—can provide insights for a firm’s international market entry decisions. To provide a richer understanding of the underlying structure and patterns that govern this process, propositions linking factors (country characteristics, product/innovation characteristics, and time lag) to the learning process are drawn. Subsequently, these propositions are tested through an empirical investigation of the diffusion patterns of four consumer innovations in multiple European countries. The findings help provide some preliminary guidelines for manufacturers regarding selection of foreign markets and the timing and order-of-entry decisions. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Houston in 1995. His research interests include global competition and marketing strategy, brand equity and brand extensions, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, and issues pertaining to product development and introduction. He has been recognized with numerous teaching and research excellence awards and has published numerous articles in many scholarly journals in marketing and forecasting. He has coauthored the textbookMarketing Research and is currently working on a book titledInternational Marketing Research, which is based on his marketing research experience across the globe. He is on the editorial review board of many journals and has lectured on marketing-related topics in various universities worldwide. His research interests include developing forecasting models, international marketing strategy and research issues, models for sales promotions, and new methodologies for product positioning and market segmentation. His research interests focus on marketing strategy and international marketing. He has published articles and presented at conferences on research in his area of interest.  相似文献   

随着科技发展、经济全球化和市场不确定性风险的增大,技术和产品的生命周期越来越短,技术创新正在成为企业未来增长的主要源泉。在激烈的市场竞争当中,基于横向联盟技术创新模式和纵向联盟技术创新模式边界的补缺联盟技术合作创新模式,因其研发和掌握了涉及关键领域的核心技术,可以随时整合在产业链相同节点或在产业链上下游节点之间的企业资源。  相似文献   

Substantial research has examined how stock market reactions to marketing actions affect subsequent marketing decisions. However, prior research provides limited insights into whether abnormal stock returns to a marketing action actually predict the future performance resulting from that action. This study focuses on new product preannouncements (NPPAs) and investigates the relationship between short-term stock market returns to an NPPA and the post-launch new product performance under various industry and firm conditions. Findings based on a dynamic panel data analysis of 208 NPPAs in the U.S. automotive industry between 2001 and 2014 reveal that stock returns associated with an NPPA are not an appropriate forward-looking measure of future product performance. However, under specific conditions (i.e., when the preannouncement is specific, the preannounced new product has low innovativeness, the preannouncing firm has a high reputation and invests heavily in advertising, and the preannouncement environment is less competitive), abnormal stock returns to NPPAs actually predict the future performance of new products. Thus, this study extends the marketing–finance and innovation literature with its focus on the conditions that affect the predictive power of immediate stock returns for the future performance of new products.  相似文献   

处于不同的生命周期,中小型高新技术企业所具有的特点和面临的风险也不尽相同。人才是中小型高科技企业发展的动力与核心,而多层次的资本市场体系有利于其实现融资的需要。应对接资本市场,搭建融资平台;通过股权激励,实现"融智"需要,借力资本市场实现中小型高新技术企业科技创新的战略目标。  相似文献   

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