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公允价值计量观下,《企业会计准则第8号——资产减值》提出了资产组的概念。实务中会计人员需要了解资产组的概念及其在资产减值中的应用,并有与之相配套的原始凭证进行处理。对此,本文主要介绍了资产组减值测试步骤,同时设计了一系列相关原始凭证。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of monitoring function from institutional investors on corporate hedging strategy in Taiwan over the period from 2005 to 2012. The empirical results show that institutional investors are effective monitors of corporate risk management to enhance the probability and extent of hedging. In addition, the monitoring function from institutional investors is effective for mitigating the risk-shifting problem of high leveraged firms. Moreover, local institutional investors play more important role in monitoring distressed firm's magnitude of hedging than foreign institutional investors. These results are robust to the consideration of endogeneity, selection bias, and industrial difference. This is the first empirical evidence in the literature regarding the monitoring effect of institutional investors on risk management strategy from the angle of monitoring costs.  相似文献   

风险导向内部审计与公司治理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
内部审计正朝着风险导向审计不断迈进,对风险的评估与改善是风险导向内部审计的首要目标;风险管理是公司治理不可回避的重要因素;风险导向内部审计对公司治理具有重要的促进作用.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the quality of corporate governance policy and the firm financial performance and. Data were collected from Corporate Library. A sample of 3,068 firms from the database of 2010 Corporate Library was analyzed. Logistic regression models were employed and SPSS statistical package was utilized to perform the analysis. Our results show that when firms have better corporate governance policies, they are more likely to perform better. Specifically, when firms have a better board rating, compensation policy, takeover defense strategy, accounting practice, and a formal governance policy, they are more likely to perform better than their counterparts without such quality corporate governance policies.  相似文献   

Corporate governance has become one of the major international issues that have succeeded in attracting a good deal of public interest in recent years, especially since the recent spate of "world famous" scandalous corporate failures. Today, it is considered that corporate governance plays an important role in the economic health of corporations and society in general. Improving corporate governance is a systematic project, it is necessary to the internal governance and external governance of the ways multi-pronged.  相似文献   

刘孟飞  吴可 《价值工程》2003,14(6):76-78
随着机构投资者的发展壮大,人们越来越关注其对公司治理方面的作用。由于机构投资者巨大的股票持有量,他们存在参与公司治理的愿望。但因为经济往来关系、法律法规规定、信息处理障碍导致机构投资者并不能有效地参与公司治理。  相似文献   

传统的公司治理目标是股东利益最大化,文章主要论述股东利益最大化公司治理目标的缺陷和利益相关者参与公司治理的必要性。  相似文献   

浅探公司治理模式的趋同   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了公司治理模式趋同的动因,并在此基础上指出利益相关者参与公司治理是公司治理模式的发展方向,从而得出了一些启示.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2002,26(3):203-229
Proportions of equity held by institutional investors—pension funds, insurance companies and mutual funds—are rising across all OECD countries. Meanwhile institutions are becoming more influential in corporate governance, even in bank-dominated countries, inter alia due to international investment, pension reform and EMU. We provide two forms of evidence on the effects of institutional corporate governance on corporate performance. First we offer a literature survey on micro evidence, the outcome of which is mixed, but on balance suggesting a positive effect on equity returns. We contend that these micro studies face a difficulty that they cannot capture effects of governance initiatives whose effects go wider than “target firms”. Accordingly, we present results for the reduced form empirical relationship between institutional share holding and corporate sector performance at an economy-wide level. These are consistent with significant effects which differ between “Anglo-Saxon” and “relationship banking” countries. For example, institutions appear to accompany lower investment and higher dividends in the former.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to determine if CEO turnover is a function of firm performance, and therefore attempts to gauge the extent to which CEO interests are aligned with those of stockholders. The methodology in this paper focuses primarily on estimating the relationship between the probability of CEO exit and indices of firm performance and corporate governance structure. A major finding of the paper is that the accountability of CEOs to stockholders is significantly limited by CEO power, and CEO turnover is influenced more by internal governance structure than by firm profit or sales performance.  相似文献   

有效的会计控制对于公司治理结构的优化及推行均有重要作用;反过来,公司治理结构直接影响会计控制的有效性。公司治理与会计控制具有“共生互动”的关系,因而会计控制须纳入公司治理的整体架构当中,做到两个同步:一是在搭建公司治理结构的过程中,同步设计会计组织架构及运行机制;二是在公司治理配套制度体系建设过程中,同步建立会计监督和资金监控机制。  相似文献   

资本结构、财务关系与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹雷 《财会月刊》2005,(9):24-26
由不同融资方式形成的复杂资本结构背后是不同类型的投资者群体,其收益索取权和对公司的控制权不同,必然会导致其目标不一致和发生利益冲突,从而产生代理问题.公司治理机制的引入旨在降低代理成本,维持各类投资者对公司合约的参与,而最优资本结构则是受财务关系及公司治理结构影响的动态、内生性概念.本文拟对这种认识和关系进行分析和论述.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of mergers on the returns to acquiring companies' shareholders for a large sample of companies from both Anglo‐Saxon and non‐Anglo‐Saxon countries over the 1980s and 1990s. With the important exception of Japan, we find similar patterns of returns across both types of countries. For a sample of 9733 acquiring companies the mean percentage gain over a short window of 21 days is 0.6%. This picture changes dramatically as the market has more time to evaluate the mergers and/or the acquiring firms. After three years, acquirers' shareholders in the United States and continental Europe lost on average 19% of their market value compared to a portfolio of non‐merging firms in their size deciles and their two‐digit industry, in Canada, Australia and New Zealand roughly 16%, and in the four Scandinavian countries almost 15%. Further analysis indicates that some mergers are consistent with the hypothesis that mergers generate synergies, but that a majority of mergers in Continental Europe are explained by the managerial discretion and/or hubris hypothesis. Our findings also suggest that corporate governance institutions in the United States and the other Anglo‐Saxon countries lead to better investment performance than in continental Europe, when one confines one's attention to mergers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着审计理论与实践的发展,审计模式也在不断变革。本文立足于全面实现公司治理的要求,以契约理论和受托经济责任观为指导,分析了现有审计模式无法满足公司治理要求的客观现状,探讨了治理导向审计模式一一以“治理”作为审计的目标导向,审计工作为了实现全面治理而展开,如何以治理的思想采指导现代审计工作的全面开展:笔者封治理导向审计模式的内涵和特点作了深入探讨.  相似文献   

随着经济的日益发展,机构投资者在完善上市公司治理中的作用日渐重要。机构投资者在监督、制衡管理层的决策与经营中能更有效地发挥作用。因此我国应积极创造有利条件促进机构投资者的发展以完善公司治理。  相似文献   

公司治理结构在不同的经济条件下会形成不同的模式,同时在不同国家由于文化及制度等因素的影响也会有不同的形式,本文就目前世界上存在的几种主要治理结构模式进行了分析和对比,如英美模式、日德模式等,并在此基础上针对我国的实际情况提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

我国会计信息失真严重,与其自身的背景有相当大的关系,部分是技术上的原因,大部分则是制度或体制上的原因,公司治理不完善就是一个最重要的方面,因此,仅仅靠会计是不能从根本上解决会计信息失真问题的,而必须完善我国的公司治理结构。  相似文献   

Carbon emissions have been identified as a major cause of global warming and are harmful to the environment. Given the seriousness of climate changes, businesses are encouraged to adopt corporate strategies to improve environmental performance. Staggered boards (or classified boards) are one of the controversial corporate governance devices being employed by corporations that protect managers from the market for corporate control. This paper explores whether staggered boards can be a useful business strategy to improve carbon emissions. Relying on a novel data set in which the presence of a staggered board is identified through advanced machine learning algorithms and textual analysis, we find that staggered boards bring about significantly worse emission performance by 10.67%. Our results corroborate the premise that staggered boards insulate self-interested managers from market discipline and thus exacerbate agency problems, resulting in more unfavorable outcomes. Further analysis validates the results, that is, propensity score matching, entropy balancing, instrumental-variable analysis, and generalized method of moments (GMM) dynamic panel data estimation. Importantly, we include firm fixed effects to account for unobserved heterogeneity. Our findings indicate that de-staggered boards may help improve emission performance.  相似文献   

杜湘红 《企业技术开发》2004,23(12):42-43,46
文章认为良好的公司治理是现代市场经济和金融市场健康运作的微观基础,研究治理具有重要意义,由于公司治理是公司自治和法律规制的统一,法律有介入公司治理的必要,鉴于公司治理的法律环境包括外部和内部法律环境,文章针对我国目前公司治理法律环境的现状提出了完善对策。  相似文献   

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