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The impact of skewness in the hedger's objective function is tested using a model of hedging derived from a third‐order Taylor Series approximation of expected utility. To determine the effect of price skewness upon hedging and speculation, analytical results are derived using an example of cotton storage. Findings suggest that when forward risk premiums and price skewness in the spot asset have opposite signs, speculation increases relative to the mean‐variance model. When the signs are identical, speculation will decrease, contradicting findings of mean‐variance models. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:503–520, 2006  相似文献   

We consider the problem of hedging a contingent claim with a “semistatic” strategy composed of a dynamic position in one asset and static (buy‐and‐hold) positions in other assets. We give general representations of the optimal strategy and the hedging error under the criterion of variance optimality and provide tractable formulas using Fourier integration in case of the Heston model. We also consider the problem of optimally selecting a sparse semistatic hedging strategy, i.e., a strategy that only uses a small subset of available hedging assets and discuss parallels to the variable‐selection problem in linear regression. The methods developed are illustrated in an extended numerical example where we compute a sparse semistatic hedge for a variance swap using European options as static hedging assets.  相似文献   

In this paper a simple strategy for pricing and hedging a swap on the Japanese crude oil cocktail (JCC) index is discussed. The empirical performance of different econometric models is compared in terms of their computed optimal hedge ratios, using monthly data on the JCC over the period January 2000–January 2006. An explanation to how to compute a bid/ask spread and to construct the hedging position for the JCC swap contract with variable oil volume is provided. The swap pricing scheme with backtesting and rolling regression techniques is evaluated. The empirical findings show that the price‐level regression model permits one to compute more precise optimal hedge ratios relative to its competing alternatives. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:464–487, 2008  相似文献   

This paper applies generalized autoregressive score-driven (GAS) models to futures hedging of crude oil and natural gas. For both commodities, the GAS framework captures the marginal distributions of spot and futures returns and corresponding dynamic copula correlations. We compare within-sample and out-of-sample hedging effectiveness of GAS models against constant ordinary least square (OLS) strategy and time-varying copula-based GARCH models in terms of volatility reduction and Value at Risk reduction. We show that the constant OLS hedge ratio is not inherently inferior to the time-varying alternatives. Nonetheless, GAS models tend to exhibit better hedging effectiveness than other strategies, particularly for natural gas.  相似文献   

This article examines the optimal production, export allocation, and hedging decisions of a risk‐averse international firm that exports to several foreign markets with different currencies. The firm faces multiple exchange rate risks. Optimal decisions are analyzed under two scenarios. In the first, there is a forward market for one currency only. Then, the export allocation to different markets is separable from the firm's preferences and the joint distribution of the exchange rates. In contrast, total production is not separable except for a special case. In the second scenario, there is a forward market for each currency. Then, both production and export allocation are separable. Hedging with forward contracts depends on risk premia and on the joint distribution of the exchange rates. If tradable exchange rate risk is a linear function of untradable exchange rate risk plus noise, there is a conflict between cross hedging and taking a basis risk. If, alternatively, the untradable exchange rate risk is a linear function of the tradable exchange rate risk and noise, there is no such conflict. A speculative position in a biased forward market for one currency can be cross hedged using an unbiased forward market for another currency. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 20:843–864, 2000.  相似文献   

套保套利是指以规避现货价格风险为目的的期货交易行为.企业开展套保套利交易,是将期货市场当作转移价格风险的场所,利用期货合约作为将来在现货市场上买卖商品的临时替代物,对其现在买进但准备以后售出的商品或对将来需要买进的商品的价格进行"锁定"的交易活动.套保套利的本质在于"风险对冲"和"风险转移".  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that unconditional variance of exchange rate return series is subject to occasional structural breaks that may induce spurious phenomenon of high persistence and long memory of volatility processes. In this study, we investigate the effects of such breaks on estimated risk-minimizing hedge strategies (ratios) and their performance in currency markets. Using bivariate GARCH (BGARCH) and fractionally integrated GARCH models, we estimate the hedge ratios for six foreign currencies in the full sample with and without controlling for breaks and each subsample of different unconditional variance regimes identified by a modified version of the Inclan C, and Tiao GC (1994) algorithm. Our findings suggest that daily currency risk can be better hedged with currency futures when controlling for unconditional variance breaks in the BGARCH model. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 30:607–632, 2010  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effects of the length of hedging horizon on the optimal hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness using 9 different hedging horizons and 25 different commodities. We discuss the concept of short‐ and long‐run hedge ratios and propose a technique to simultaneously estimate them. The empirical results indicate that the short‐run hedge ratios are significantly less than 1 and increase with the length of hedging horizon. We also find that hedging effectiveness increases with the length of hedging horizon. However, the long‐run hedge ratio is found to be close to the naïve hedge ratio of unity. This implies that, if the hedging horizon is long, then the naïve hedge ratio is close to the optimum hedge ratio. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 24:359–386, 2004  相似文献   

We examine how corporations should choose their optimal mix of linear and nonlinear derivatives. We present a model in which a firm facing both quantity (output) and price (market) risk maximizes its expected profits when subjected to financial distress costs. The optimal hedging position generally is comprised of linear contracts, but as the levels of quantity and price‐risk increase, the use of linear contracts will decline due to the risks associated with overhedging. At the same time, a substitution effect occurs toward the use of nonlinear contracts. The degree of substitution will depend on the correlation between output levels and prices. Our model also allows us to provide insight into the relation between a firm's derivatives usage and its transaction‐cost structure. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:217–239, 2003  相似文献   

This article examines the importance of term structure variables in the hedging of mortgage‐backed securities (MBS) with Treasury futures. Koutmos, G., Kroner, K., and Pericli, A. (1998) find that the optimal hedge ratio is time varying; we determine the effect of yield levels and slopes on this variation. As these variables are closely tied with mortgage refinancing, intuition suggests them to be relevant determinants of the hedge ratio. It was found that a properly specified model of the time varying hedge ratio that excludes the level and slope of the yield curve from the information set would provide similar out‐of‐sample hedging results to a model in which term structure information is included. Thus, both the level of interest rates and the slope of the yield curve are unimportant variables in determining the empirically optimal hedge ratio between MBS and Treasury futures contracts. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 25:661–678, 2005  相似文献   

Asian‐Basket‐type moving‐window contracts are an increasingly used risk‐management tool in the North American hog sector. The moving‐window contract is decomposed into a portfolio of a long Asian‐Basket put and a short Asian‐Basket call option. A projected break‐even price is used to determine the floor price, and then Monte Carlo simulation methods are used to price both a moving‐ and a fixed‐window contract. These methods provide unbiased pricing of fixed‐ and moving‐window hog‐finishing contracts of 1‐year duration. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:1047–1073, 2003  相似文献   

This research compares derivative pricing model and statistical time‐series approaches to hedging. The finance literature stresses the former approach, while the applied economics literature has focused on the latter. We compare the out‐of‐sample hedging effectiveness of the two approaches when hedging commodity price risk using futures contracts. For various methods of parameter estimation and inference, we find that the derivative pricing models cannot out‐perform a vector error‐correction model with a GARCH error structure. The derivative pricing models' unpalatable assumption of deterministically evolving futures volatility seems to impede their hedging effectiveness, even when potentially foresighted optionimplied volatility term structures are employed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 25:613–641, 2005  相似文献   

Prior research on cause‐related marketing (CM) shows that congruencies between for‐profit and nonprofit organizational missions and target markets affect consumers' perceptions of the partnership fit, and their subsequent response to CM promotions. The current work explores how congruencies between for‐profit and nonprofit sizes influence consumers' perceptions of the partnership fit, and subsequently, their attitudes toward CM efforts. Study 1 shows that consumers perceive a low degree of organizational partnership fit between a small for‐profit and large nonprofit (relative to other partnership configurations). Study 2 shows the nature of donated resources can affect organizational partnership fit perceptions, such that donations of needed goods (vs. money) can improve consumers' perceptions of partnership fit between a small for‐profit and large nonprofit. Study 3 shows that organizational cause congruency and organizational size both independently contribute to perceptions of organizational partnership fit.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a significant gap in the conceptualization of business ethics within different cultural influences. Though theoretical models of business ethics have recognized the importance of culture in ethical decision-making, few have examinedhow this influences ethical decision-making. Therefore, this paper develops propositions concerning the influence of various cultural dimensions on ethical decision-making using Hofstede's typology.Scott J. Vitell is Associate Professor of Marketing and holder of the Michael S. Starnes Lecturship in Marketing and Business Ethics at the University of Mississippi. His work has previously appeared in theJournal of Macromarketing, theJournal of Business Ethics, Research in Marketing, and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science as well as various other journals and proceedings.Saviour Nwachukwu is a Ph.D. candidate in Marketing. His research interests include international marketing, marketing and economic development, and marketing ethics.James H. Barnes is Associate Professor of Marketing and Pharmacy Administration and holder of the Morris Lewis, Jr. Lectureship in Marketing at the University of Mississippi. His research has previously appeared in theJournal of Marketing Research as well as other journals and proceedings.  相似文献   

Integrated approaches in the ethical decision‐making (EDM) and practically wise decision‐making literature are emerging as alternative perspectives to management theories that conceptualize decision‐making in a rationalist and value‐free manner. However, more dialogue between both perspectives and qualitative research that applies them is required. In addition, there is a need for empirical analysis on business engagement in the face of grand challenges in developing countries. This paper proposes an integrated practically wise EDM framework to study how Colombian councilors who, in 2013, voted for or against the merger between the Colombian state‐owned company UNE and the Swedish multinational Millicom interpret this decision and its public impact. Qualitative semi‐structured interviews were conducted with a voluntary sample of 18 of 21 councilors. Supporters of the UNE‐Millicom merger expressed open‐mindedness, seeing the merger as a means to achieve justice. On the contrary, the merger’s opponents expressed circumspection, doubting that Millicom’s intentions really leaned toward justice. We conclude that practical wisdom—embodied by both supporters and detractors—fosters an understanding of EDM beyond what leaders should not do. It also includes a democratic and balanced deliberation on what leaders think they should do to promote the common good.  相似文献   

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