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世界金枪鱼生产及贸易现状研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
基于价格上涨等原因,世界金枪鱼无论是渔获量还是养殖量都呈增长态势.主要渔获地为日本、中国台湾省和印度尼西亚,主要渔获品种为鲣和黄鳍金枪鱼;主要养殖地为澳大利亚、西班牙和墨西哥,主要养殖品种为黄鳍金枪鱼.尽管金枪鱼进口额变化不大,但贸易额增长迅速.主要的进口地为泰国、日本、西班牙和美国,主要的出口地为中国台湾省、西班牙和法国.  相似文献   

江苏现代农业发展的主要目标主要有两个,一是确保粮食安全和主要农产品供应;二是促进农民增收和农业增效,提升现代农业产业发展水平.  相似文献   

江苏省农作物品种审定委员会分别于2009年2月和9月召开了第45次和46次农作物品种审定会议,共审定通过了45个主要农作物新品种,鉴定通过了20个非主要农作物新品种。为方便广大读者查询,我们将45个主要农作物新品种和14个非主要农作物新品种介绍如下:  相似文献   

关于国有林场林权纠纷问题的分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面启动集体林权改革和国有林场改革的大背景下,有关国有林场的林权纠纷问题成为了改革的主要焦点和难点。通过分析,指出了国有林场林权纠纷的主要特征和主要成因,提出了解决和预防国有林场林权纠纷的对策和建议。  相似文献   

大同市发展生态畜牧业主要成绩和主要做法。  相似文献   

现阶段我市农民收入的基本情况和特点;存在的主要问题;制约农民收入增长的主要因素;推动农民收入快速增长的主要措施。  相似文献   

利用Fragstats 4.2景观指数和InVEST生态系统服务模型分析山东土地利用变化情况。耕地是土地类型中转移量最多的,主要转向城镇用地、农村居民点和其他建设用地。土地类型的增加量依次为城镇用地、农村居民点和其他建设用地。耕地主要分布在鲁西南平原地区和胶东半岛丘陵区,耕地整体分布较为集中;林地分布相对单一,主要在山地丘陵区,由于复杂地形导致该分布集聚性一般,分离度较高;草地主要分布在东营和滨州等市,由于土地利用类型转移变化大,因此聚集度一般;城乡工矿用地斑块密度最大。生境质量空间冷热点分布主要由地形引起,热点呈现“两主两次+黄河三角洲”,两主热点主要为鲁中南山区和胶东丘陵地区,次热点主要分布在微山湖和五莲山区域,最后为黄河三角洲。鲁北、鲁西平原为生境质量冷点。  相似文献   

据哈尔滨海关统计,今年前三季度黑龙江省出口粮食9.9万吨,价值0.5亿美元,同比分别下降15.6%和16.7%。同期,进口粮食210.3万吨,增长39.8%。出口国家主要为韩国、俄罗斯、日本和美国;进口主要来自巴西和美国。出口主要品种是稻谷和大米;进口主要品种为大豆。  相似文献   

利用FAOSTAT数据库的相关数据,对近50年世界主要木本粮食生产和贸易变动状况进行分析。研究结果表明:虽然世界主要木本粮食的收获总面积和年总产量均有所增长,但是年产量增长缓慢,且单位面积产量出现下降;中国和中东国家对世界主要木本粮食生产扩张贡献大,日本和意大利等发达国家的木本粮食生产规模缩小;世界主要木本粮食的出口量小,出口增长缓慢,中国的板栗和柿子产量虽很高,但国际竞争力却不强;世界木本粮食的主要进口国变动不大,仍然以日本、法国和美国等发达国家为主。  相似文献   

近年来山西农业和农村主要经济发展状况;存在的主要问题;关于农业和农村经济工作的几点思考。  相似文献   

Numerous large scale land acquisitions have occurred in Angola since partial political and economic liberalization in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and further increased after 2002 and the end of armed conflict. They have occurred in conjunction with the emergence of a range of large state-coordinated agricultural projects, often by foreign contractors, for domestic food, and involving plans for backwards and forwards linkages to agro-processing and manufacturing initiatives. Altogether such land allocations and projects involve several billion dollars and several million hectares. These activities appear to often also involve high-level officials and/or wealthy Angolans and are often interpreted as neo-patrimonialism, state-sanctioned private accumulation, and instances of continuity in extractive institutions. Yet examining specific agrarian transformations illustrates how land and rural poverty in Angola are much more complex than a zero-sum game of elite accumulation of private land concessions. Key are Angola’s geo-historical trajectories of colonialism, war, socialism and liberalization, which the article examines in two concessions in Malanje Province We address the relationships between international enterprises and domestic elites, and the relevance of land dynamics within a long-term political economy perspective on capitalist industrialization and structural transformation in Angola and Africa.  相似文献   

现代中国外商企业林业政策与法律环境优化对策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
自改革开放以来 ,外商企业直接投资中国林业的规模和质量迅速上升 ,投资区域集中在中国亚热带和热带地区 ,以合作、租赁以及收购等方式稳步发展。 2 0世纪 90年代开始 ,我国鼓励外商投资林业的法律环境基本形成 ;进入 2 1世纪 ,林业财政税收、森林采伐更新管理、森林资产抵押、森林资产的市场化等问题成为制约外资林业可持续发展的制度约束。本文就上述林业政策法律环境和问题进行了比较系统的整理 ,并提出了政策法律优化建议  相似文献   

Given the known and potential impacts of climate change on ecosystem composition, structure, and function, some recent studies question the efficacy and relevancy of current protected area policies and management objectives. For example, in a rapidly changing climate is it practical to continue to identify and protect ‘representative’ samples of the natural heritage estate? This paper examines a number of climate-related issues that now confront agencies and organizations responsible for the protection of natural heritage areas, including the roles of protected areas, representation targets, ecological integrity, protected area design, management techniques, research and monitoring needs, and agency capacity to respond. Potential avenues for adaptation are proposed in light of these issues. The development and implementation of a cross-jurisdictional landscape-scale strategic conservation framework focused on protecting, connecting, and restoring ecosystems will be fundamental to enhancing ecological resilience to climate change. We conclude that even though climate change presents unprecedented and significant challenges, the protected area contribution to ecosystem function and human health and well-being will remain an essential and worthwhile investment in the 21st century.  相似文献   

互联网与大学生思想教育及管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
互联网对当代大学生的思想意识、价值理念、道德取向、行为模式带来了巨大冲击,也使大学生思想政治教育工作面临严峻的挑战。调查者在对成都理工学院 300多名学生进行问卷调查的基础上,走访了学校十多个网吧,召开了“我与网络”的学生座谈会,对互联网与大学生思想政治教育的关系、影响和评价进行了深入的调查研究,提出了如何加强和改进互联网条件下大学生的思想教育和管理工作的思路和建议。  相似文献   

Angola's four decades of civil war continue to have a profound effect on the country's recovery and development. While the end to the war in 2002 and the subsequent extraction of natural resources has fueled the country's economic recovery for a minority, for the majority recovery depends less on natural resource extraction than it does on acquiring and maintaining secure access to land and property upon which viable livelihoods can be rebuilt. However the current large scale evictions in urban and peri-urban areas of the country and the resulting acute tenure insecurity is significantly worrying, and is the single most acute land rights, land policy, and political problem in the country. Aspects of the country's constitution and the development of the postwar land law facilitate eviction, and an important opportunity to upgrade postwar informal land rights has been missed. Land and property rights problems have played a significant role in the country's armed conflicts and social problems, and current trends are constructing a difficult future.  相似文献   

浅议绿色会计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的会计核算体系和国民经济核算体系 ,未考虑和核算资源及环境的价值 ,也未将环境污染和资源耗竭所造成的损失从国内生产总值和企业利润中扣除 ,已不适应今天的情况 ,此乃绿色会计产生的原因。绿色会计计算出来的是经过环境调整的国内生产总值和企业利润 ,是符合可持续发展战略和科学发展观要求的。文章从分析资源环境问题和传统会计体系的缺陷入手 ,阐述了绿色会计的任务和核算内容 ,并提出了在我国建立绿色会计的设想。  相似文献   

谷物中重金属离子迁移及其污染消控研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对谷物中重金属不同时间和空间的含量及分布特征,重金属的来源解析和主要形态的分析,以及在种植、加工和食用等过程中造成重金属的污染、迁移和消降等问题进行了科学分析与综述.并从土壤改良、作物品种改良与耕作改革到谷物的收、加、储及食用等一条龙式的全程消控方法及策略等作了详尽讨论与分析.最后就谷物中重金属污染的研究进行了简要的展望与建议.  相似文献   

根据对国际能源署关于全球石油天然气资源的分布情况及产销供需情况资料的分析可知,世界石油天然气资源丰富,可满足未来20—30年左右世界经济发展的需要,未来油气资源无论是供给还是需求均呈稳定增长态势,油气价格将在波动中上升,维持高位运行,亚太地区国家石油安全形势更加严峻,由于世界油气资源分布极不均衡,油气资源作为世界重要战略资源的地位在未来20—30年内将不会改变,并仍将是国家和地区间经济争夺的焦点。  相似文献   

以川、藏两省(区)为研究实例,在对其发展的成绩、经验、问题进行全面分析的基础上,提出了西南林业建设中林业与经济社会,林业与农业、牧业、水利、交通各业和谐发展的原则及任务和对策。  相似文献   

Most developing countries of the world are experiencing large-scale migration from rural to urban areas. Many new migrants end up in low-cost or informal areas and slums with attendant environmental concerns. One dimension of improved urban sustainability is the provision of green spaces and trees. Whilst many countries have urban greening programmes for public spaces and streets, few have considered the status and potential contribution of trees from resident's own gardens. This paper reports firstly on the policy environment for urban forestry and greening in South Africa and secondly on the maintenance, use and appreciation of trees on private homesteads of residents of new and older low-income suburbs as well as informal housing areas from three small towns in South Africa. In particular we examine if the most recent centrally planned and built low-income housing schemes (called RDP suburbs in South Africa) have considered and incorporated plans or spaces for urban greenery in peoples’ homesteads. We found that broad environmental and sustainability concerns and statements are common in urban development and housing policies, but specific guidelines for implementation are generally absent. More specifically, urban forestry and tree planting are rarely mentioned in the broader land use and environmental policies other than the national forest act and subsequent regulations, but even there it is relatively superficial. In the study towns the prevalence, density and number of species of trees was lowest in the new RDP suburbs relative to the township and informal areas. Consequently, the contribution of tree products to local livelihoods was also lower in the RDP areas. Yet there were no differences in the level of appreciation of the value and intangible benefits of trees between residents from the three different suburbs. This shows that the failure to plan for and accommodate trees in new low-cost housing developments is missing an opportunity to improve overall urban sustainability and liveability and constraining the potential flows of tangible and intangible benefits to urban residents. Making opportunities for such in older suburbs is challenging because of space limitations and cost implications of retrospective provisions, but incorporation into plans for new low-cost housing development should be possible.  相似文献   

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