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Neighbourhood parks provide recreation opportunities and amenity to nearby residents and improve the quality of the environment and life. Their provision and protection could be facilitated by a deeper understanding of their multiple values. The hedonic pricing method, using statistical techniques to estimate the part of a price due to a particular attribute of a commodity, assessed the external effects of neighbourhood parks on the transaction price of high-rise private residential units in Hong Kong. The empirical results derived from 1471 transactions in a district indicated that neighbourhood parks could lift price by 16.88%, including 14.93% for availability and 1.95% for view. Comparing with other landscape elements, neighbourhood parks induced the heaviest investment intention in home-buying behaviour. Harbour view attracted a premium of 5.1%, but mountain view was surprisingly not welcomed. Street view, considered as unappealing, suppressed price. Residents were insensitive to building landscape due to its ubiquity in the compact city. The scarcity of neighbourhood parks in the city has pushed their hedonic value to an exceptionally high level, providing guidance to revamp the policies, planning and management of urban greenspaces in tandem with the sustainable city quest.  相似文献   

根据地下水开采区地质环境的模糊性,运用模糊模式识别理论,提出一种地下水最佳勘探点(井位)确定的数学模型。在MATIAB环境下,该模型具有计算速度快、稳定性强、分辨率高等优点,并进一步完善了地下水资源勘探方法。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence for the relationship between concentrated poverty as manifested in the informal settlements and the labour market in the city of Buenos Aires. It also examines the consequences that these have on the social marginalisation of young people. First, it analyses the effects of residential location in informal settlements on labour market access. Secondly, it examines the results of multivariate analyses which measure the net effect of living in informal settlements on key indicators of youth marginalisation, as well as the interrelation of the effects of family educational and occupational status. The results demonstrate that the spatial concentration of poverty in informal settlements is linked to labour market segmentation, and is a central determinant of urban marginality. For young people, the very fact of living in informal settlements, in households with highly precarious employment status, significantly increases their risk of marginalisation in a cumulative manner. These findings point to the importance of adopting an integral approach that addresses the dynamics of deprivation in a multi-dimensional and multi-level setting.  相似文献   

A long existing question associated with federal cost-share programs in the United States has been whether these public subsidies have induced or substituted for landowners’ private investment in tree planting. This study reexamined the relationship between public funding and private investment behavior in the past 50 years by employing a state space model with time-varying parameters. Three regions, i.e., the South, North, and West were formed and compared. The analysis revealed that the relationship has changed over time and across regions and both inducement and substitution effects have occurred. The inducement effect occurred in the South from 1960 to 1972 and in the West from 1961 to 2002 while the substitution effect was present for all other years in the South and West. In the North, there has been a strong substitution effect from 1951 to 2002.  相似文献   

The multiple effects of carbon values on optimal rotation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Non-consumptive benefits which increase with crop age, like keeping carbon sequestered, lengthen optimal rotation compared with rotation for timber alone. High proposed carbon prices may extend rotation indefinitely. Carbon storage in wood products reduces this tendency. Biomass as an energy source displacing fossil fuels favours rotations near those of maximum biomass productivity. Use of sawn timber to displace structural materials with high embodied carbon favours somewhat longer rotations. Effects of rotation on soil carbon, and fossil carbon volatilised in harvesting operations, are further complications. Including all carbon effects results in optimal rotations somewhat longer than those based only on timber value, but shorter than those based on timber plus forest carbon. To include all factors intuitively is not possible: balanced appraisal needs economic calculations.  相似文献   

The Chinese government applies the term ‘tree crops’ (jingjilin) to a bundle of tree species with uses other than timber production, defining this category as a component of national forest statistics. Tree crops may displace either farmland or forestland, and can be a promising livelihood option for smallholders. The overall impact of this particular policy on natural forest growth remained unanswered. In the general expansion trend of tree cover in southern China, tree crops could compete for land with natural forests, their cultivation may pose environmental trade-offs with natural forest cover. However, in a context of large labor flows from countryside to cities, tree crops could provide promising opportunities for dealing with on-farm labor shortages and generating income for disadvantaged populations remaining in rural communities, then promoting remaining natural forest quality through alternative livelihoods process. There is a knowledge gap to thoroughly investigate tree crops’ impact on natural forest change both conceptually and empirically, especially a mechanism verification of the alternative livelihood hypothesis. Thus, we construct a framework assessing land use competition and alternative livelihood effects together to assess overall impacts of tree crop cultivation on natural forests. Our dataset combines forest resource inventory data and provincial social-economic factors for a panel analysis of contributions to change in natural forest cover, density, and stock in China’s biodiversity-rich southern provinces. Results show tree crop cover is negatively associated with natural forest extent, but positive associated with change in natural forest density, while the relationship with change in natural forest stock is insignificant. Further tests of mechanisms support the hypothesis that tree crops benefit disadvantaged rural populations, providing an alternative livelihood. Defining tree crops as forest in China obscures important patterns, particularly a trade-off between tree crops and natural forest cover and a possible synergy with natural forest density mediated by alternative livelihood processes. Policy makers should enact specific policies to incentivize natural forest recovery in the southern collective forest zone and reconsider the appropriateness of defining tree crops as forest. Concentration and intensification of tree crop production on suitable lands may have the potential to benefit both forests and impoverished populations.  相似文献   

"党的领导"是社会主义法治的政治原则和立法准则,政治属性是立法工作的第一属性。立法践行"党的领导"原则,"把党的领导融入法律制度",体现在立法工作和实际操作的诸多方面:党领导和控制立法项目的确定和启动;立法以党的组织机构作为工作核心主体,展开起草、修改和协商等工作程序;法律法规草案制定需要以党的精神、理念和主张作为基本依循来明确立法理念、目的和制度设计;立法将"党言党语"转化为"法言法语",形成条款内容;立法以各种规范形式明确表述和保障"党的领导"。通过立法机制、程序和法文本,体现党对法律制度的领导力和法律制度对"党的领导"的融入水平。  相似文献   

自然保护区开展森林旅游应与科教相结合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对万木林自然保护区近年来开展森林旅游状况的调查分析 ,从建立自然保护区的目的和功能以及开展森林旅游的优势出发 ,阐述自然保护区开展森林旅游应与科教相结合 ,才能发挥自然保护区在实施“保护环境”、“科教兴国”和社会可持续发展战略等方面的作用。  相似文献   

Landscape reconversion by plantation-oriented forestry is associated with transformations in regional economic systems. Under such change, rural communities develop different environmental and economic management strategies. Due to forest plantation growth since the 1970's in Misiones, Argentina, different areas of production can be identified according to the intensity of the forestry management model carried out. Each area defines a forestry productive landscape in which local rural populations are immersed. In this study, we describe and analyse the agricultural production strategies of Colonos (settlers) according to the size of industrial tree plantations. We offer insights into the construction of an adaptive, agrobiodiverse strategy in the context of the dominant forestry industry. Considering historical processes and current land use, we expected to find less diversity and overall development of the family productive system among rural families living in more homogenized, plantation-dominated landscapes. Qualitative and quantitative data was gathered to assess the agricultural richness and producers´ related production management. Departing from the idea that the homogenization of the landscape diminishes the diversification of the family productive system, we found that families have been able to shape the components of their subsistence in complex environments. In other words, in the face of change and instability, Colono farmers were able to reconfigure and incorporate diverse agricultural strategies. Also, they engage in biologically diverse farming systems and provide ecological heterogeneity to a regional landscape deeply transformed by tree plantations.  相似文献   

大兴安岭地区主要园林树木资源应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大兴安岭地区主要园林树木资源进行系统分类,得到满足大兴安岭地区的园林的应用园林树木;发现当地园林绿化树木应用中存在的问题;提出合理化建议.  相似文献   

农业科技推广资金整合的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张岐  李映强 《南方农村》2009,25(6):28-31,44
农业科技推广工作是将农业科技成果转化为现实生产力的重要环节,是科技兴农的重要载体。我国农业科技推广的体制及资金投入总量偏低、投资机制不顺及资金使用效率偏低的现状,直接制约了农技推广的效果。因此,加大我国财政对农业科技的支持力度,有效整合农业科技推广资金,提高其利用率,对农业科技研究成果尽快地转化为生产力,以及加快现代农业建设步伐,推进我国农业发展,都具有重要的现实意义,更是完善政府公共财政制度的必然选择。  相似文献   

随着工程建设管理体制的改革和项目法人制、招标投标制、监理制的推行,工程建设已逐步走向社会化、规范化管理,实践证明了它的优越性,但同时也给工程项目竣工决算审计提出了新要求,为此提出将防洪工程项目竣工决算审计制度化。  相似文献   

介绍了"生态足迹"计算方法,对济宁市2005年资源消费进行了计算,结果表明:2005年济宁市的生态足迹为5.1559hm2/人,生态承载力为0.4436 hm2/人,生态赤字为4.7122 hm2/人。这说明济宁市的发展已远远超出了生态承载力的范围,处于一种不可持续发展状态。  相似文献   

农发行各省级分行分别于2月底或3月初召开所辖分支行行长会议,迅速将全国分行行长会议精神传达给全体干部职工,并分别结合本地实际,明确工作目标,部署重点工作,认真抓好会议精神的贯彻落实。河北省分行明确目标,以“四个统一”为保证,力争全面完成全年五项目标任务。一是政策目标。保证粮棉油储备和保护价粮食收购资金及时足额供应,并按“以销定贷,以效定贷”的原则做好  相似文献   

Strict enforcement of forest protection and massive afforestation campaigns have contributed to a significant increase in China's forest cover during the last 20 years. At the same time, demographic changes in rural areas due to changes in reproduction patterns and the emigration of younger population segments have affected land-use strategies. We identified proximate causes and underlying drivers that influence the decisions of farm households to plant trees on former cropland with Bayesian networks (BNs). BNs allow the incorporation of causal relationships in data analysis and can combine qualitative stakeholder knowledge with quantitative data. We defined the structure of the network with expert knowledge and in-depth discussions with land users. The network was calibrated and validated with data from a survey of 509 rural households in two upland areas of Yunnan Province in Southwest China. The results substantiate the influence of land endowments, labor availability and forest policies for switching from cropland to tree planting. State forest policies have constituted the main underlying driver to the forest transition in the past, but private afforestation activities increasingly dominate the expansion of tree cover. Farmers plant trees on private incentives mainly to cash in on the improved economic opportunities provided by tree crops, but tree planting also constitutes an important strategy to adjust to growing labor scarcities.  相似文献   

耕地作为人类赖以生存和发展的重要物质来源,具有多种生态服务功能,但人们对耕地的保护一直限于数量、质量的保护而忽视了耕地的生态价值。本文以黑龙江省耕地生态服务价值为依据,通过对黑龙江省2013年相关数据的收集和整理,尝试对黑龙江省耕地生态系统服务价值进行了计算,计算结果可为黑龙江省构建耕地生态补偿路径提供参考。  相似文献   

自21世纪以来,温室气体排放带来的全球变暖问题已经日渐影响人类的生存,碳减排也成为全世界各国的重要任务,碳汇渔业因其具有的良好碳减排作用应该大力推行发展。然而水产养殖自身的碳排放压力又十分突出,因此建立一个水产养殖碳排量计算模型,了解养殖活动各环节的碳排放量,对于规范和推进渔业的发展有着重要的意义。本文建立了水产养殖碳排放量计算模型,并实证计算了某问卷调查养殖企业的碳排放量,验证了计算模型的可行性。  相似文献   

研究目的:以建设包容多元差异的社会空间为切入点,探索统筹发展和安全战略下城市更新促进城市共建共享共治的理论和现实路径,以期为中国城市的高质量发展和高水平安全提供参考。研究方法:文献分析法和归纳演绎法。研究结果:(1)城市更新是处理城市发展和安全问题的重要手段,社会空间融合是存量发展阶段城市更新促进城市发展与安全统筹的关键工具;(2)社会融合理论和社会空间理论构成社会空间融合问题的认识基础,空间布局、资源配置、社会互动和身份认同是解构社会空间融合问题的4个关键维度;(3)空间融合、资源升级、纽带建立和认同感塑造是城市更新实现社会空间融合目标的4条理论路径;(4)城市更新促进社会空间融合的现实路径以空间治理为载体,并可以从多尺度共治、多主体合作和多维度干预三个方面展开。研究结论:统筹发展和安全背景下,社会空间融合应成为中国城市更新实践的重要导向。空间治理是城市更新的载体,通过多尺度共治、多主体合作和多维度干预助力社会空间融合的实现。  相似文献   

本文总结了广东城乡运用财税政策促进城乡一体化建设的主要做法与效果及存在的主要问题,并提出了促进广东城乡一体化建设的财税政策建议。  相似文献   

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